The Dog Rescue Thread

Brewery Meister

Advanced Member
Jan 22, 2007
Santa Cruz, Cal
Ours take up pretty much the whole back seat too. Although we do get stuff behind the front seats onto the floor.

What do you do with the Rescue Group you work with? It sounds like fun to drive the dogs around... We (I work for the local Parks/Rec dept.) just had our 4th Annual Pooches in the Park today. What a blast.

We are going to be taking a 2-3 week camping trip this fall. We just haven't decided between Vancouver BC, New Mexico and Colorado. Last year we went to Glacier NP in Montana. Got to visit some family while we were there. If we come out to Colorado I'll have to hit you up for some good spots.

Happy camping, CB:D
Heya Cab'n

I'm merely a volunteeer who has offered my time/vehicle/gas to drive the highways and byways of Western CO and surrounding areas to pick up Golden Retrievers who are in need...for *whatever* reason.

I also spend a few hours a day on the computer...ala >"when a person is searching for a used FWC"< looking for links to available Dogs on petfinder and craigslist (crazedlist). The thing is..I can buy an FWC and stop the madness but these dogs just keep coming in...and now with the economy crashing..we are seeing a large increase in the number of dogs being surrendered.

I've been able to combine an overnight stay in the Hawk on a few trips and as the weather warms I hope to do more of this. It's a good way to get out midweek..often by myself.

OK...and the dogs!
We need to start a seperate forum for Tundra owners with 4WCampers and Golden Retrievers.:D

Clark, the Beermeister moniker was bestowed upon me by Dirty Dog after the Death Valley rally. He gave a couple of us monikers - Sunman for his late night cooking around the fire and myself for organizing a bit of a beer tasting. I'm actually more of a wine drinker so passing the name on would be ok. After the Hog Fest or maybe the Colorado rally we will see a few more monikers show up.

Mt. High, we also belong to a rescue group for Goldens, which is where we got our girl from. Good for you for the work you do.
Mine's a rescue as well and has a bunch of breeds inside so maybe he is 1/25 Golden. He has friends who are Goldens!

This is Kitt Peak in S. AZ enroute to D.V.
That sounds like a great idea!!


I'll bet there are a more than a few of us out there. What needs to happen to start a Forum?

I've been working on a website with all of our travels but it's time consuming. They do expect me to work for a living too... sheesh.:cool:

You mentioned the Hog Fest... sounds like a good one. Where/when is it?

Our favorite radio station out here is KPIG. Used to be KFAT.. the Fat One... LOL good stuff.



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That looks like a GREAT organization, Ted. This is the group I belong to:

We are one of 3 Golden rescues in the Denver metro....and the reason I got involved is not only my love for the breed/my understanding from owning goldens *how* they can enrich your life...but also because there are few other members on the Western Slope/Western side of Colorado. Being fortunate enough to not have to do the "job" thing...I have the time to offer and help out on a regular basis and am 125 miles closer than anyone else to the dogs in need on this side of the state.

I transported 3 dogs last week...and set up transport for 2 others. In Jan I transported 3 dogs from Aztec, NM to Denver, and a few from Grand Junction as well. It's getting crazier by the day.

I'm sure your group is also seeing a huge influx of dogs as the economy declines...and I URGE and ASK any/all of you who can... **to at the very least** send a donation to your local shelter or Rescue. If you are broke...go down and walk dogs and offer your TIME. I guarantee you will make a difference for the dogs as well as gain/regain a new perspective for their plight.

Barko...I commend you for going the rescue route....and Wow... What a beautiful pup!

Kudos to all who do the same. Good peeps in my book...for sure.

SPOTT program

We have a local program that lets volunteers check dogs out for a few hours to a day with an "Adopt Me" vest. It works well. If you can't bring the people to the dogs... bring the dogs to the people.

I agree, just walking them around and spending time with them is so important. For both of us. I also agree that with the economy tanking there will be many more dogs...

Good stuff.

How about that Tundra/Goldens forum?

My Katie is an adoptee from Southwest Collie Rescue

She was one of 42 collies in a breeding/hoarding situation. When she was rescued, she wouldn't let anyone touch her, but now she thinks people are treat machines, and goes up to most people on her own.

Her best dog friend is a Golden :)

One of the things I want to do when retirement rolls around is foster another collie from Southwest Collie Rescue.

Two collies in an Eagle? ...hmmm.
I was playing with the new camera this evening while tossing the ball(s) to the dogs and thought I'd post a coupla "first" shots.

Kaya is my older pup....9 in May (gulp). My first Golden. Definitely a special boy...we surmise he was a castaway/runaway/poor showing from a Bird Dog/Feild Dog trials show that was at the County Fairgrounds about a week before he turned up at the Eagle Rest Area on I-70...2 miles or so away from where the event was held and was carted off ot the County shelter where we adopted him after a week of going down every night and walking/loving on him/making claim to him. We knew if the shelter folks saw us there every night we would end up with him and they told us one night when we were leaving to be there "tomorrow at 9AM" because he was being released for adoption the next day. I was there at 8:30.

Jamaica...2 years old..was my first "rescue" dog and the dog that started the entire Rescue transport gig. I had applied to Golden Rescue (GRRR) to get a dog but was also watching petfinder..and there he was in a shelter in Duchenese, UT....a stray from the Reservation (rezdog). His picture just spoke to me...and the next day i drove 5.5 hours each way in a nice snowstorm to snag him. 10 mins out of the shelter he was eating a cheesburger out of my hand and looking right at me like "Oh YEAH, BABY!.. I SCORED HERE!" Then he found a squeaky toy..and i guess he'd never had one before cus he squeaked it for 5 HOURS on the way home.

How can ya not love that face though?

After that I withdrew my application for a dog and when I told the lady I now am friends with I had driven out into Utah to get my dog she said "Wanna go get more when we find 'em and they need you to rescue them?"

so off I went...and off I go. I helped 5 dogs get out of high-kill shelters this week..and that is very rewarding not only for the dog's sake..but for the family that will eventually recieve a loving pet.

Enough ramblin''s my pups!


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Great looking dogs

I like rescue dogs. I had one a couple of years ago... check this mix out... 1/2 Rhodesian Ridgeback and 1/2 Redbone Coonhound. She was a beauty... kinda screwy though.

Good on ya must have enough doggie karma to last you several lifetimes. Beautiful dogs.
Rescue dogs are definitely the way to go - the malumute in the picture I posted a while back came form the Denver area Malumute rescue & I've had 1 other from the shelter. We've also had many other rescue dogs in our life & I can't recall a bad one yet. I can't imagine life without a dog & 2 or 3 is even better - one time growing up we had 14! my wife says I should have been a vet:)
Rescue Dogs

I'm kind of suprised how many people here are involved in this. I've been involved in Newf. rescue fo about 15yrs. Between myself and my ex. we've had 17 we have helped to find new homes. Of all the things I've done in my life, I find doing this the most rewarding, and expensive. I would never have believed that someone would not care for or surender a Newfoundland, or any other dog for that matter. If anyone here hears of a Newf. in trouble let me know, or Newfoundland health and rescue of Northern California. Keep up the good work, what I've seen on this thread lets me know we have some GOOD people on this site. Thank You for what you're doing
I've been starting to look for a new/additional pooch , a rescue border collie or similar beast. I have found one in Jackson WY which seems a little far but I went further to get my FWC.:rolleyes: Any other leads appreciated.
I've been starting to look for a new/additional pooch , a rescue border collie or similar beast. I have found one in Jackson WY which seems a little far but I went further to get my FWC.:rolleyes: Any other leads appreciated.

Here's a link for you.

So, now that you're retired you want to adopt a workaholic dog? One of the funniest things I've seen was a border collie trying to herd a bunch of kids playing soccer.
Heya barko

petfinder is a great resource. If you are patient or willing to drive you can easily find a good dog nearby.

And here's another site you will probably have some luck at....

this site lists quite a few NM shelters/Humanes... and the untapped resouce of "rezdogs" coming out of the Indian Reservation that are highly mixed up and easily tossed aside. Lotsa "herders" in the mix...

no matter what...ALL of these dogs needs some help/a good home.

If you happen to find anything up CO way I am heading south this weekend (Socorro)...:thumb:

good luck in the search.

I'm stoked that you're looking for another pup, barko.

FYI...I'm in the Vail Valley...Exit 163 on I-70...halfway between Denver and GJ....smack dab in the middle of the White River NF.

Suggestion for the search: Check out whether the shelters are "high-kill" or not. In these troubled times the length of stay before the Grim Reaper shows up is lessening by the minute at these types of places.

In addition, statistics show time and time again that the BLACK dogs and cats are the LAST to be adopted and often the first to see Mr. Reaper due to that statistic. It costs $$$ to keep these animals around and some shelter just don't have the space/budget to do so for very long.

I look forward to seeing who you end up with! If I can help..let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Of course the one I'm looking at most right now is in Jackson WY:confused:

Lots of dogs around, almost across the street but I'm kind of interested in a Border Collie. I like the dogs that are being fostered, seem to get more about their traits, good or bad. Of course the last one I just picked out of a cage at Petsmart were a shelter was showing them and he's great.

Stayed in Vail a couple years ago at a conference at the Marriott. In Oct and I was on my bike so I snuck in and out hoping not to get snowed on. back through Leadville, cold but fine. If I go to WY I'll probably take 550 to GJ and up through Vernal, with the FWC of course:)
I see a few cute dogs listed on PF up that way...

FYI...I'm also a volunteer with Wyoming Border Collie Rescue ...a group that is basically branching out and has folks all over CO/WY who are fostering dogs/etc. I got involved through Golden Rescue because the director there knows the director at WBC and they needed someone in this area/region to perform "home visits" for potential adopters. Living in the West you know how spread out everything/everyone can be...

As an example, one of the main peeps for WBC actually lives in Durango. Let me know if I can help any way/shape/form/can make a connection there for you if you find you are still looking after you investigate the Jackson doggie.

As a transporter I also know that there are occasionally "rides" to be had for some dogs...either all..or part of the just depends on how it all shakes out/etc.

Although as an FWC owner I KNOW yer always lookin for an excuse to get out and about... :thumb:

good luck!


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