The Dog Rescue Thread

Child and adolescent psychotherapy, huh?

Besides the dog rescue angle have you ever thought about a mobile ATC Clinic for the teeenagers of WTW members? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

With a 16 yr old in residence and a 19 year old home from college we could definitely give ya some business down this way! ;);)


Mtn- You blew my cover - just kidding.
I think I'm ready for the issues with "people". My current career is psychotherapy with a specialization in Child and Adolescent treatment. My wife is in the same field, and yes we've heard the Fraser/Lilith jokes, and when she asked me about working with her first child client I told her"Oh you'll love working with the kids. It's the parents you'll want to do foul things to." Anyway, I'm looking forward to this new challenge and will keep you all posted. Barney
Besides the dog rescue angle have you ever thought about a mobile ATC Clinic for the teeenagers of WTW members? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I just escaped from 25 years running college counseling programs:eek: Some parents.......... I'm stickin with dogs now, the Border Collie is impatiently wating for the morning run.
My wife and I have joked about putting an ad in the AAA tour books for emergency counseling for couples, kids etc when they are on about day 9 of a 2 week vacation tour and start driving each other crazy.
I thought I'd redirect and post a few photos of our "Foster gone wrong". LOL

Meet "Paisley"....a mis-ID'd "Goldendoodle" who is actually a Wheaten Terrier.

With her mistaken identity...she ended up in the GRRR program and as I had mentioned to the director previously that I'd like to explore this breed...we got the call to "foster" her. That was 3 months ago....LOL.

Since then..SHE ADOPTED US..... LOL

When we got her she was very overweight and along with 2 other dogs from the same home...had been labelled "vicious" by the previous owner who had actually taken all 3 to the Vet...and then to the humane society to "be put down". Fortunately the HS saw through the lady and took them in. When all 3 dogs passed the temperment test they were placed for adoption against her wishes. Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Paisley lacks some socialization skills with certain dogs. She got along with my Goldens from the get-go though...and that is one of the reasons she was allowed to stay and become a part of the family. Obedience classes start in August...... so we'll see what we can do to entice her to make a few changes...

Now I have more dogs than kids!! (they're hairy but they don't talk back or ask for money)



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Wheaties are generally very social and sweet dogs so there is hope. If I didn't have India and Rambo The Wonder Chug I'd be up there in a heart beat.
...Now I have more dogs than kids!! (they're hairy but they don't talk back or ask for money)...


Maybe it's time for another kid. :eek:
Fortunately, like many of the dogs I rescue, there's this awesome thing called neutering, Edo.

Needless to say, 2 kids was PLENTY here and while it's been a grand experiment, I'm incredibly ready for the stint to be over so I can be selfish once again. (first I have to find all of my tools and everything else I once THOUGHT I owned) :mad:

Heck, I might even get to go campin' @ some point!! :rolleyes:
Well I'm picking up a Catahoula Leopard mix tomorrow in Socorro, NM So my three permanent residents will have a new guest for awhile. There is another Border Collie in Abq that needs an immediate intervention, if interested let me know asap.
my girlfriend and i rescued this puppy 4 months ago from the county shelter. he's 7 months old now. hard to believe, but we were the 4th family to have him. from what i hear the 2nd and 3rd families were abusive. he adjusted well to us. he has been a great dog- look forward to wandering w/ him for a while-jw


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my girlfriend and i rescued this puppy 4 months ago from the county shelter. he's 7 months old now. hard to believe, but we were the 4th family to have him. from what i hear the 2nd and 3rd families were abusive. he adjusted well to us. he has been a great dog- look forward to wandering w/ him for a while-jw

Good looking pup. He ought to fill up a camper couch quite nicely when he's done growing. :)
my girlfriend and i rescued this puppy 4 months ago from the county shelter. he's 7 months old now. hard to believe, but we were the 4th family to have him. from what i hear the 2nd and 3rd families were abusive. he adjusted well to us. he has been a great dog- look forward to wandering w/ him for a while-jw

Looks like a great guy! Does he like snow? This week I'm taking my new one and 3 others to Big Bend, 4 in the truck :LOL:
Yer as nutz as I am, barko! We had my son's "rescue" dog from Socorro here all of Christmas break and hauled her around with my 3. For awhile there I was ALMOST thinking I needed a bigger truck......

Made a rescue run a week ago to snag a VERY overweight Golden with a thyroid issue. SWEET girl....couldn't get in the truck she was so fat....and a bunch of her hair was missing/falling out. Wot a mess....

It just sickens me how stupid/cruel people can be and how they can let their animals suffer like that. Where's my GUN? There's a few folks out there who need some "talkin'' to. the Scum. If you treat an animal badly you simply don't deserve to be on this planet, IMO...

Kudos/respect to all here who step forward and make a difference for our furry friends!

Looks like a great guy! Does he like snow? This week I'm taking my new one and 3 others to Big Bend, 4 in the truck :LOL:

We haven't been up to the snow yet. I can tell you he's one heck of a beach dog. We take him several days a week and he never wants to leave. -jw
Anyone like a great new pooch :D I have been fostering a small Catahoula that is a great little (27#) dog. Catahoula are a Louisiana sight hound but this is a mix although looks like a Catahoula, has the sight hound breed characteristics, but is smaller and really a super little high energy and smart girl. I can even see about delivery wandering the west. I'd keep her but have three others and want to be able to take in other foster dogs. Just took the fwc and all 4 dogs to Lake Roberts in the Gila NF. This one is young and well behaved, learns quick, feisty and gets along with everyone and other dogs/cats. If you'd prefer a border collie I know where there are 2 that someone is trying to get rid of. If I can find a good home for the Catahoula I might rescue these others. Gracie is a superb little dog and I'll miss her when she is gone but it is worth it if I can rescue another one.
Cute pup, barko. Wish I could help ya out but........

We're up to 4 ourselves! This rescue thing is dangerous biz when you love dogs!

This guy was on death row in Socorro. There were probably 30 other puppies there at the same time. Sad to see so many unwanted pups when it could all be avoided. (I'm thinking this country needs a mandatory spay/nueter order for those PEOPLE in our population who allow their dogs to over-populate) Makes me see RED.

Anywayz......Meet "Keef".... we think he may be a Rottie/Sheperd mix.... 15 weeks old (8 weeks in the pic)


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just came across this topic, i hope my wife doesn't find it... she's involved with the Montana Golden Retriever Rescue, we have 2 members of the family (A team) as a result, plus we have a Toyota tundra and now a FWC!

I posted a bit about our trip to Bend OR to pick up the camper and the resulting torn ACL to our female Willow. Well she's on the mend shaved butt and all. Just last night i was figuring a way to install the tailgate with the camper sort of a doggy step and for easier loading. Well I assisted Moose (90+lb male GR)onto the tailgate for a trial and without hesitation and total surprise Willow leaps onto the tailgate! Scared the crap out of us she's not suppose to be jumping yet, she was obviously sore last night after the fact but seems to be doing better this am. I've gone to assisting them in and out of the bed although they don't always agree.

I'd be interested in seeing how folks setup their campers for dogs and travel, right now the easiest thing for us is to fold out the couch and they seem to enjoy the large side window. however they're big swimmers so wet dogs inside camper= big odor, still basically early spring here but i'm seeing problems in the future.
I have given up trying to fight the dirt wars. I knew the upholstery was getting bad but after this last weekend, rains, lake, dogs, everything looked pretty disgusting. Well I had the pressure washer out getting mud off the atv, bike, and truck so what the hell I attacked all the cushions with some all purpose cleaner and high pressure spray. I discovered that the fabric is blue not brown :LOL: Amazing how much crap came out. Everything is drying out. It'll all start again on the next trip.
Our two dogs own the "downstairs" and we own the "upstairs"...we modified the lower bed of our 1990 Ranger II so it is one level and covered it with indoor/outdoor far so good. They love to swim so we often try to dry them off before heading in for the night.

For loading, we picked up a twis-step (Twistep)'s pretty expensive, but figured we could use it as a step into the camper as well. It is a perfect height to get into the camper, but has about a 1-inch play left to right when open...just need to keep that in mind when stepping in.


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