The Wildlife Photography Thread

So, are you going to use the webcam to take a selfie as you stand there? Or would that be a National Treasure Photobomb project? :)

My boss had me do that for him back in 1996 or so when he appeared on the webcam at a Maryland beach boardwalk.Webcams were rather sparse in that era.;

Great Egret

Canada geese and trumpeter swans at Klamath Marsh NWF on Feb. 14, 2015. Mount Thielsen in background.

For the second year in a row, we have found a bachelor herd of bighorn rams in the same place in the Panamints. Not as many this year, but we were a bit later in the day. I only had the 300mm lens with me, so the photo is cropped in quite a bit. Here are the 'Skyline Kings'.

We had a bit of luck at Valley of Fire. Two bighorn ewes, each with a lamb were browsing near the area known as the cabins. I didn't have a big lens with me at the time, so back to camp, grab the lens, then relocate the sheep. Overall, we had close to an hour with them. Just 491 images.... :D This is the favorite of the actions shots.


Here's my favorite moment...

Frank, JD: Thanks for the kind words. This was a magic time for Diana and me. Watching the lambs scamper around was a genuine treat.

Here's one more of a frisky little one...

Great photos. 500 shots per hour. That's about one every 7 seconds. You were busy for the hour.
Those three make it worth the sore shutter finger. Good thing it wasn't 13 rolls of film, eh?

PaulT said:
Great photos. 500 shots per hour. That's about one every 7 seconds. You were busy for the hour.
Those three make it worth the sore shutter finger. Good thing it wasn't 13 rolls of film, eh?
Paul, my camera shoots bursts of 11 frames a second, and I tend to shoot wildlife in bursts of 3 to 4 at pretty regular intervals. Yes, it's good to not have film limits.
Pulled into our drive way and found this large red-tail hawk on the roof. When he turned to expose his white front he took off before I could get another photo, Won't be long until there are goslings and ducklings on the pond, and then in late November we get a couple of white swans. Not bad for Carmel, Indiana.

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