The Wildlife Photography Thread

Wish I could, am heading for a couple of Florida trips though, one of them to the Everglades. I'll be heading west in the spring, though, if I get an early enough start Mojave and DEVA will be stops.
Finally took a trip out to the Yolo Wildlife area. Not sure why I've never been since its only a twenty minute drive. Unfortunately it was foggy. Still saw a lot of ducks, coots and other assorted birds.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Andy, cool shots of our fuzzy friends! Was this the herd over by Beatty?
These guys were hanging out in Saline Valley, Stephen. There were several small herds of six to eight between the Bat Road and also down by the Salt Lake. I was trying to remember which springs attract the desert sheep, of which we saw none.
Oh Wandering Sage.
While out walking this afternoon in the Helvetia area north of Hillsboro, I heard and saw two flights of Sandhill Cranes high overhead. One of about 15, the other much larger. Looked like they were headed in the direction of Sauvie Island or points north. They may be headed to your favorite refuge.

From our last trip to Death Valley.

Wandering Sagebrush said:
My guess is that's an uncommon bird for DVNP. Nice!
I think so too. This was in the West Walker Canyon on 395 south of Walker. Lady spotted it and made me turn the truck around and go back. This is the first baldie we've seen in this location. A lot of the river is frozen over.
Charlie, that's a nice image!! Excellent photography!

I was in the archives the other day, too lazy to dodge the rain drops. Here's one that I was playing with. From my favorite spot in Eastern Oregon...

Stalking Light said:
Nice, it was in the 30's when I took this.
Brrrrr, that's cold for Florida! When I was in school at NAS Jax, I remember a few mornings with ice on the puddles. Bad for citrus!

N'kwala, thanks for the kind words.
Does anyone check out the streaming video from Yellowstone,the one at Old Faithful?
I check it once in a while in hopes of seeing some wildlife walk across the area.
Yesterday about sundown there, I watched a coyote walk along the viewing platform and a small group of bison also.
Pretty cool to see some of the animals during the winter there.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Does anyone check out the streaming video from Yellowstone,the one at Old Faithful?
I check it once in a while in hopes of seeing some wildlife walk across the area.
Yesterday about sundown there, I watched a coyote walk along the viewing platform and a small group of bison also.
Pretty cool to see some of the animals during the winter there.
Thanks for the reminder of this webcam -- I'll be seeing this in person in less than two weeks! :)
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