The Wildlife Photography Thread

A Nik rework of a shot in 2012, taken in the Steens Mountain region of SE Oregon. I am hoping to get over there in a week or so. Going through the archives helps!

We found this guy asleep on his feet near an area where we were going to photograph sage grouse. When he realized there was a big noisy diesel truck near by, he finally woke up, then paced back and forth to challenge us. From the cut on the forehead, you can see that he has been fighting with other stallions.

That's quite a rainbow stripe Mr. Roadrunner (beep, beep) has coming off his eye!

Here's a frequent visitor to our orchard, taken just before the last few rainy, overcast days.
LBB (Little Brown Bird)... Actually, a song sparrow (Melospiza melodia). Shot with a Nikon D810 and 300/2.8. With the exception of a lens profile correction, zoomed to 100% and cropped, this is straight out of the camera. The bird is about 12 feet out from the camera.

Very nice!
Excellent feather detail.

Slightly off topic:

After much thought I am selling my 300 2.8 in favor of the 100-400 II
I've been using the new zoom and it's that good.
Size and reach favor the zoom, while the 300 had the speed, but in a much larger package.
If I shot night sports or indoor I would choose differently.
Choices, choices . . . :D
Andy, I thought the 100-400 was pretty good to start with, congrats on getting the new version!

And thanks to Mr 3Pin and Lighthawk for the kind words.
Andy I'm glad you went with the new Canon 100-400 mm I have not used the 200-400mm since getting that lens.

Now to toot my own horn, but you have to go to the link to view my Snow Monkey image that got a Awards of Merit for a PSA inter club competition. Click on image to make bigger. Enjoy.......

I have been enjoying everybody's images over the years here. In the fall I need to get a web page started!
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