The Wildlife Photography Thread

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Mark, nice looking mulie! Cool shots!

ski3pin said:
Mr. BC, fun stuff! :)

takesiteasy said:
Nice pics! A few more years and he will be challenging Mr. Big Rack's reputation.

Lighthawk said:
How cool is that? He's a magnificent specimen, if not up to Mr. Big Rack specs.
Thanks, guys. If this buck is as clever as Mr. Big Rack -- stays within the Urban Growth Boundary to avoid hunters -- and looks both ways before he crosses roads (failure to do so was what doomed Mr. Rack), he may live long enough to earn a couple more points...even if it's just a big "typical" rack.
A prairie dog couple Teddy Roosevelt NP


Another image of a different Bighorn from the same location with some context... from our epic two month trip from CA to Maine to FL and back. 24 gigs of images to work through, yikes!

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Dave, nice! Looks like you had a great trip! I didn't see any bighorns in the Badlands, I'm going to have to look harder...
There were three of them right by the side of the road and a large phalanx of tourists snapping photos of them from close range. They did not seem fussed at all. We also had a mom and some kids wander through our campsite just outside of the park the morning/night before.

Then again the only buffalo we saw were at least a half mile away so it really is luck of the draw. We never saw a single moose in northern New England either despite there seeming to be a "MOOSE" sign every 5 miles or so.
Nice images Dave and you put them into a landscape scene. We were there a year ago and might have seen the same sheep! Very easy going with the people around.
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