The Wildlife Photography Thread

It's getting time to start planning a trip into the Great Basin to chase Sage Grouse. SE Oregon has a few opportunities.

It was a windy day on the lek...

These Flamingos were at the rice growing area of Spain. The Ebro River delta.
This guy seems to mostly white while others had a lot more pink,and it was all alone.
I think during the winter their food source is different no shrimp that give them the pink color.




We are heading for some colder weather, so I am dreaming about the desert. Here's a female Costa's hummingbird, taken at Joshua Tree NP.

Wandering Sagebrush said:
We are heading for some colder weather, so I am dreaming about the desert. Here's a female Costa's hummingbird, taken at Joshua Tree NP.

Excellent! We saw Costa's at Hole in the Wall, DVNP last December on a 30F morning. Amazingly resilient creatures.
Andy, that's a good place for bighorns, too, providing there aren't too many people in the area. We've seen them twice near the 'hole'.

Thanks for the kind words on the photo!
A different picture taken by chance of a trout under a trail bridge in the southern Pioneer Mountains of southwest Montana.

Finally catching up on sorting and labeling our picture library. Labeling is going much faster since I finally found a way to stay in "input" mode instead of getting in and out while moving from picture to picture by using the tab key instead of the cursor. Two of my best "big" mammal pictures from our 2015 Canadian Rockies summer trip. There was a large sheep herd along the Wilcox Pass trail above Sunwapta Pass off the Icefields Parkway at the Banff CNP and Jasper CNP boundary. The herd is most visible early in the day before this popular trail gets busy. The horns appear to show serious "ramming" based on the wear marks and cracks.


Another different picture found while catching up on a couple of years of backlog labeling courtesy of finding that the tab key keeps me in the input mode. An over zoomed small sensor camera shot surprisingly without disfunctional noise (my opinion). Two female Common Mergansers on Chephren Lake which is above Waterfowl Lakes along the Icefields Parkway north of Lake Louise, Banff CNP. Three different zoom shots were taken and the long turquoise wake always appears behind the birds while the shimmer increases with each picture with this shot being the longest zoom/most shimmer. The lake is turquoise when viewed from the right angle.

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