The Wildlife Photography Thread

We thought this little one was cute as a button. Sorry, just could not resist.

I got out to the local refuge for a bit today. The forecast was for sun in the morning, then sleet and rain in the afternoon. I am glad I did. Lots of harriers and sandhill cranes. This sweet girl let me get within about 35 feet, which for a skittish species like harriers is really close. She was having a vole brunch.


Taking to Wing in the Sun...

A never ending parade of spectacular captures on this thread. ski3pin got me inspired with his great rattlesnake shot.
Found this lovely specimen hanging out on top of the rim as climbed out of the Owyhee canyons on a backpacking trip in 2013. He/she seemed willing to put up for awhile (couple of minutes) but eventually figured we were getting to close. Only time I've seen a rattler spring into action. The attempt at a strike was about 18" - 2', probably pretty close to overall length.
I had borrowed my daughters pocket camera to carry while hiking to grab quick shots and regret not getting out my Nikon but was expecting the model to slither away in just a few seconds. Fortunately the Olympus she loaned me has a pretty big zoom range.

I think my buddy Tyson was a bit more brazen than I and I found myself warning him to stay back a bit more. And I'm sure this beauty eventually tired of his shenanigans. I was glad to have the zoom range of the point and shoot but wish I had grabbed the big rig. This is still a bit of a crop from the original jpeg.
Thanks all -

Just a FYI about this image. If you can figure it out there is a gps location embedded that should open in
Google Earth. I can get my file on my computer to work just fine. Not sure about the WTW version.
I took so many frames of the Harrier eating the vole, that I felt a little more gore was in order. Actually, it's just nature, not gore.

CraggyMan said:
Thanks all -

Just a FYI about this image. If you can figure it out there is a gps location embedded that should open in
Google Earth. I can get my file on my computer to work just fine. Not sure about the WTW version.
Well, I tried to take the challenge and find the gps coords embedded in the jpeg. But all I know how to do is "inspect element" Ctrl+shift+I, which brought up a bunch of code. Guess I don't have the chops. :oops:
Lighthawk said:
Well, I tried to take the challenge and find the gps coords embedded in the jpeg. But all I know how to do is "inspect element" Ctrl+shift+I, which brought up a bunch of code. Guess I don't have the chops. :oops:
Shows up in the EXIF info when I open the jpeg on my computer but doesn't seem to be easily found when I transferred the image to WTW. My daughter's pt/sht has the built in GPS feature which actually worked better in the canyon hiking than my buddy's SPOT.
I suspect that you can use an EXIF reader to get to the coordinates. Some will link to an internet address, some need to have the file on your computer.

New posts - WTW

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