Time to move on......First day of winter

MarkBC said:
Woke up to 52° this morning......................................obscenely warm. Yes, we have a high wind warning although, at this time, intentional power outages are not planned here. Areas further south on the west slope do have planned, preventative, outages coming and will have stronger winds.
Woke up to... 5+ inches of snow.
What the...? The forecast was for maybe 1 inch.

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I wonder if weather-forecasting supercomputers are being affected by COVID? They are susceptible to viruses, after all...
ski3pin said:
...We wear boots outside in the snow. :)
After spending 12 weeks in The South -- the first half of winter -- I've forgotten what to do in the snow.... :oops:
OK, I just remembered one thing I'm supposed to do when frozen white stuff is on my property...
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Yup, gotter dun!

... Except for one odd persistent spot... IMG_20210122_121755.jpg
Good job, Mr, BC! The Lady says job well done.

Here's our forecast discussion from the Weather Service -

Pattern becomes increasingly favorable for major winter weather
impacts over the mountains from the middle of next week into next
weekend as ensembles maintain a trough just off the coast. Several
strong winter storms are forecast to move through the region with
gusty winds and significant precipitation, but prolonged
southwest flow and steep mid-level lapse rates will likely lead to
an extended period of moderate to heavy snow across the northern
Sierra with little to no break in snow between systems.

Snow levels across the northern Sierra expected to come up a bit
from earlier in the week (to around 3-4k ft) as GEFS indicates
we`ll be on the northern edge of a moderate AR focused into
central California. GEFS plumes indicated an average of around 4`
of snowfall accumulation at KBLU from Wednesday through Saturday,
with low-end potential of around 30 inches and high-end around 6`.

Stay tuned for updates!
So...I dug out my snow-work clothes and boots and gloves and my snow shovel and I went out to tackle my 120-foot snow-covered driveway. At a minimum, I'd remove the berm that the city plow created at the street-end of the driveway. With that out of way my truck, at least, could make it out.
I'd only just started to shovel when a guy drove by on a quad with a blade on the front. I nodded as he went by. Less than a minute later he'd turned around at the cul-de-sac and came back and stopped -- and he offered to plow my driveway. I said "Yes", and he did.

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I asked him "What do I owe you?" "Nothing", he said. We chatted for a while.
Apparently he lives nearby (but not on my street) and he does landscaping for some of my neighbors. So he was on my street for them. He saved me several hours of work (not to mention possible damage to my personal infrastructure).
Lots of kind folks around.
I gave up my snow shoveling days in 2014 when we sold our cabin
in Dorrington. I remember those days lots of snow coming down.
The county plow would clear the street only to leave me with a
3' or so berm.
But before the plow came around I would use my vehicle to drive
down the snow on the parking area and driveway.

The only time I would need to have the entry plowed was when it snowed
before I arrived.Luckily the snowplow man lived in back of my cabin.

Don't miss those snow clearing days.
Frank, I hoped that my "visit" home, after 12 weeks in warmer latitudes (I plan to take off again within a week), would be snow free.
So, I wasn't that lucky...but I am grateful that when I got home about a week ago and had to back my trailer down my long curved driveway in the dark...I wasn't backing through snow in the dark! :)
Around ten inches from the overnight storm. Julie was out early this morning taking photos with her phone after getting the sourdough buttermilk cinnamon rolls in the oven.





A bigger storm coming Tuesday and Wednesday. We'll need more cinnamon rolls.
Could be that the lady set them outside to cool for a moment & Monte shot them into the next county with the snow blower. :D

PaulT said:
Could be that the lady set them outside to cool for a moment & Monte shot them into the next county with the snow blower. :D

Sorry about no photo. Julie did shoot a photo inside the oven as she took them out, but the shot was blurry. Too slow of a shutter speed. That girl gets soooo excited about getting out and shoveling snow, in a bit of a hurry.
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