Wandering the West - June 2023

goinoregon said:
great trip report #1 !.. i just plugged in my new video monitor and the pics are GREAT !!!!
always checking out the google map with your posts. i should be writing this stuff down - but it is recorded on the inter web...

this summer is a bit out of wack for us. listed my house for sale in pdx, and moving over to helens house in vancouver. moving is a pain in the butt. who knows where all my fishing gear is...
and, the green appeared to be running pretty high ?? and since no mentions, i suspect you passed on the fishing ??

anyways, thx for the TR
As you mention, we expected to find high water and dangerous stream crossings so we put aside fly fishing on this trip. I also have the budget constraints with the decisions on what non-resident fishing licenses I want to purchase this season.

So, the decision was put off fly rod activity and later do a trip dedicated to flyfishing for wilderness trout.
Occidental said:
Congrats on finishing both the trip and the report, both are quite a feat.

In reading the first lines of this last post, I thought to myself, "they are following the brown signs, I've always wanted to take a trip where I just followed the brown signs", and yes, keeping off the beaten tracks, heading to points of interest, and taking our time is always an aspiration, but never seems to be quite achievable, at least not yet, for whatever reason. It's something you've seemed to hit the sweet spot on while wandering the west during June 2023. I'll continue to aspire to a trip to follow the brown signs, have the ability to wander, and just arrive back "home" when the trip is over.

Thanks for the ride, and for taking the time to post the story, it's very appreciated.
Ed, your comment was very kind and much appreciated, thank you! I believe a worthy life goal would be, as you say, follow every brown sign we come upon in our travels. :)

We never know what all is out there unless we make the effort and go take a look.
Good idea to think about the cost of the out of state fishing fees.
There was a time not too ling ago that you didn't have to apply
for a equity loan on your home to by them.
Even our in state fees are getting higher.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your trips.

I especially enjoyed your pictures from Green River Lakes. It has been about 20 years now. We loaded out packs in a canoe, paddled the lower lake, towed the boat up the creek, stashed it at the upper lake and took off on a week long loop, came back to the canoe and paddled back to the trailhead.

I also loved the photos from the Dinosaur area. And City of Rocks. I'd love to do a road trip like that but as I read your report I realized that I have become more than just a little hesitant to travel alone. The irony is that while I haven't left Mono County in several years the incident happened in this county. I'll backpack solo though. Wildlife doesn't frighten me - people do.

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