You know you're a geezer when.......................

Wandering Sagebrush said:
You know you’re a geezer when you wake up (this morning, 11/14) to your baby girl turning 50, and retiring tomorrow after 30 years of Fire Service. I feel old.
Steve, congrats to your daughter and thanks for her Fire Service work. She has plenty of time for another (fun) career!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
You know you’re a geezer when you wake up (this morning, 11/14) to your baby girl turning 50, and retiring tomorrow after 30 years of Fire Service. I feel old.
Mr. Sage, we don't believe that a sign of being old or geezerdom. It is a sign of success. Congrats to you both!
My dad was way cooler. He had a speedo bug deflector in addition to curb feelers:

bug deflector.jpg
ski3pin said:
You know you're a geezer when you can remember your dad putting curb feelers on the family car.
Back when people cared about not needing a taxi to get to the curb. I vividly recall well before I could drive someone in my family commenting "Nah! We can walk from here!"
Loved Erector set.What fun to construct something that moved.
Lincoln and Tinker toys great.Also sticks and rocks outside.
What days of fun we had.

Now it's the internet and computers. Actually having fun with modern tech.

Thanks for the memory jogging the mind.
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