You know you're a geezer when.......................

Okay just as long as the car isn't moving too fast!
I can't count the times my mom propped me up on the front seat which seemed gigantic and she'd slam on the brakes and throw her arm out as though it would stop me from flying through the windshield. I feared that karate chop more then the window!
I remember a family reunion trip around 1958 where Mom and Dad took turns driving straight through from near Asheville, NC to Lake Erie. They filled the floor in the rear seat with luggage etc. My brother and I slept on the back seat while our little sister slept on the rear shelf. No standard seat belts before 1963 model year so no one was buckled in.

I'm not even sure that I survived my childhood with so few gov't mandates. :eek:

buckland said:
You actually remember someone doing this
My mom used to march us back to the car if we were misbehaving, or leave us there to begin with. One time my sister and I were messing around and someone knocked the station wagon out of park and we rolled out of the parking spot into the middle of the drive lane. We sat there and cried with our arms around one another until my mom came back out of the JC Penny's.
You know you’re a geezer when you look down on something you just dropped and decide you’ll probably drop something else soon so you’ll wait to pick them both up with one deep knee bend.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
I still think we have one here in Salinas at the North Ridge Mall.
Don't visit Salinas so don't care.But it was at one time the go to store for us.
Was a go to store for much of my life. They had best price on Levis and "homewares" - bought custom made blinds there too. When they closed the store in Carson City I had to start shopping on line.
teledork said:
Was a go to store for much of my life. They had best price on Levis and "homewares" - bought custom made blinds there too. When they closed the store in Carson City I had to start shopping on line.
Jc pennies is open in carson city. They open at 11 am.. seems like a late Start of the day.

Though I've been in Brazil for a month anything is possible.
pvstoy said:
Jc pennies is open in carson city. They open at 11 am.. seems like a late Start of the day.

Though I've been in Brazil for a month anything is possible.
It's open again? It has been several years but it was closed the last time I tried - don't remember what time of day. I guess I believed it was permanent.
teledork said:
It's open again? It has been several years but it was closed the last time I tried - don't remember what time of day. I guess I believed it was permanent.

I'm home now and I'll drive by tomorrow and let you know. :)
teledork said:
It's open again? It has been several years but it was closed the last time I tried - don't remember what time of day. I guess I believed it was permanent.
Yes open below is the posted hours. It was early and could see workers inside.

ski3pin said:
You know you're a geezer when you celebrate finding an open J.C. Penny's store.
you betcha - buying pants online can be a six month process and cost nearly twice as much with all the return and reorder due to "vanity" sizing
teledork said:
you betcha - buying pants online can be a six month process and cost nearly twice as much with all the return and reorder due to "vanity" sizing
I wear Lee jeans have for decades,I used to get them at Kohls ,but now order them from Amazon get them in a few days.
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