Covid Vaccine -- Have you got yours?

My mom and dad just got their first shots. Interesting that my Dad got the Moderna vaccine and my Mom who went in the next day got the Pfizer vaccine. If I can get mine by June I'll be happy. Might make for a better Summer this year.
Age 65 and up is among the first tier here in NC. I got the Moderna #1 on 26 January and have a card saying I can get #2 on 23 February.
Massachusetts. We are at the 75 and up after the first responders and med staff. My wife was required to go back in to teach inside the school four days a week with wearing double masks, shield and rubber gloves.... but the State did not allow teachers to get shots. They have to wait for their age group. I am 67 ... it will be some time yet here.
Unfortunately our county is a bit of a mess............enough about that. Julie turns 65 in October, so it is a bigger wait and see for her. Both of us signed up/registered on the state's myturn website as our county website always says no appointments available so are not taking any sign ups.

I had a surprise yesterday with an email from U.C. Davis Medical Center. Since I had a micro surgeon remove the tumor from my right hand the middle of June, I'm in their system. The email said their records show I'm 65 or older, click here for an appointment for vaccination. I did as directed and drive down the hill tomorrow morning. Kinda how I imagined the system should work.
My in-laws live in KY. He 86 she 84. It took 2 days of sitting at a computer for them clicking on appointments only to see they were gone in a flash.... I can't believe they expect the elderly to do that nor a family member losing two days pay sitting at a computer for them.

It is clear we need a National program. FEMA, National Guard. Homeland Security..... It has to be done as equitably as possible. If it is in the private sector..... the rich and famous always get what they want regardless of fairness.
ski3pin said:
Unfortunately our county is a bit of a mess............enough about that. Julie turns 65 in October, so it is a bigger wait and see for her. Both of us signed up/registered on the state's myturn website as our county website always says no appointments available so are not taking any sign ups.

I had a surprise yesterday with an email from U.C. Davis Medical Center. Since I had a micro surgeon remove the tumor from my right hand the middle of June, I'm in their system. The email said their records show I'm 65 or older, click here for an appointment for vaccination. I did as directed and drive down the hill tomorrow morning. Kinda how I imagined the system should work.
Great you got your shot.It does vary from county to county.

Our county,Monterey seems to have gotten things under control.

We had out first shot Feb 1st,got an e mail yesterday to signup for the 2nd.
We go next Friday 19th.

There does seem to more confusion then necessary but this is a BIG job to tackle.

I think part of all this is doing the research then keeping it touch with your county.

To Buckland's post,yes there should be a huge national program.

Stay safe and get the shot when you can.
I'm 66 and currently in NM, got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine on Feb 8. The day after I got back from my Big Bend trip I received a text at 10 am, saying I could schedule an appointment online by following the supplied link, which I did. I was able to get a same day appointment at noon at the local Albertson's grocery store pharmacy. Walked in at 11:45am, walked out at 12:30pm. NM seems to have a good program, state wide registration and text and email notification. Painless shot, minor sore arm for 36 hours, no other side effects.

The NM Dept of Health will text me in a week or so to setup my second dose on or around March 8. I'm psyched.
Sioux and I are scheduled for our first shot tomorrow. I'm 68 and she is 64 but had chemo last year.

The only way we got in was (forgive us) our neighbors are volunteers in the local COVID vaccine program and they called us Tuesday, "Go to this link immediately before we put it up on the site". We obeyed.
Got my second this morning. So far so good, have had friends get a fever after the second shot.
In our rural Colorado county (Fremont), the first mass vaccination clinic was held yesterday. They had planned for 1,400 vaccinations. Weather was challenging, high yesterday was 8* with wind and blowing snow. My appointment was for 0800. 4 of us participated. Appropriate paperwork was reviewed, the line moved at a steady clip, and vaccinations were performed. From the time we left home to the time we returned to same, 60 minutes had lapsed. The county really did a great job with this event. Volunteers from the county search and rescue manned the checkpoints. They had arrived onsite at 0345 to set up the necessary infrastructure. Vaccinations were scheduled to continue through 1700 hrs.

The follow-up shot will occur in 4 weeks, through a similar event I suppose. All in all, terrific work by all involved.
Did not get much sleep last night and fell like **** this morning. My wife temp is 102 and I am 100.2; arm and joints sore. My Head hurt all night even when I was drinking water all night. Hope this does not last long.
Sorry to hear that, Bill. Hope you both feel better soon. My wife and i received our second shot on Friday (the 12th) and suffered no ill effects other than soreness at the injection site. Glad to be inoculated. .
I just got my 1st shot yesterday. I had to drive 2 counties away from home, but I'm not waiting on Kaiser. My daughter told me every person at her firehouse was down for 3-4 days with fever after their 2nd shot. I'm not looking forward to that but at least I won't be worried if I got Covid or not.
ski3pin said:
Unfortunately our county is a bit of a mess............enough about that. Julie turns 65 in October, so it is a bigger wait and see for her. Both of us signed up/registered on the state's myturn website as our county website always says no appointments available so are not taking any sign ups.

I had a surprise yesterday with an email from U.C. Davis Medical Center. Since I had a micro surgeon remove the tumor from my right hand the middle of June, I'm in their system. The email said their records show I'm 65 or older, click here for an appointment for vaccination. I did as directed and drive down the hill tomorrow morning. Kinda how I imagined the system should work.
Last Friday at UC Davis Med Center I was impressed with their organization and efficiency. A great job! March 5th is dose two. I may have had a sore arm but it was probably that big fall on ice a couple weeks ago that winged me. Yesterday I had a half day of muscle and joint ache and feeling off. A side effect? Can't say definitively. As the Lady tells me, "Buck up Buckaroo."

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