Death Valley Rally Jan 2009 - The DD Report

The four trucks from the Lippincott expedition stuck together and we checked into Furnace Creek campground for some R&R. We rolled in right as it got dark and sadly didn't notice that we had chosen spots almost directly adjacent to where Simimike was camped - but a bush was in the way and we didn't see him. Sorry Mike!

If you look closely you can see Mikes camper top behind the bush in the right part of the photo:

Coyotes run this place:
We got busted at Furnace Creek for having two "RV's" per spot which was ridiculous considering other spots had giant RV's and a second vehicle and that was totally legit. FWC oppression must stop! :rolleyes:

After a much needed shower and a hot meal at Furnace Creek Ranch, our stalwart band finally dispersed. Final photo of the four rigs:

Although we did go to the Borax Museum before parting which was pretty cool:
Just when you thought this report was over - DD just doesn't quit! Marc was down for some more exploration so we hit the road. First a couple of the touristy things (but must see spots IMO)

Marc at Badwater:

Artist's Drive:

Devil's Cornfield:
We found a great spot on the road that connects Darwin and Panamint Valley. It was next to the ruins of a mining-era pump house. It was a perfect spot for two trucks but wouldn't have worked for more than that:


Some of the guys had told me about Cerro Gordo but they thought it would probably be snowed in. Given all the great weather we had and road conditions elsewhere, we decided to give it a shot. The road was clear and it was an awesome trip!

Cerro Gordo Road:


At one point on the Cerro Gordo road you can see part of the aerial tram with an ore car hundreds of feet in the air:



Someone (Ted I think) said that the miners once rode these buckets to work in the mine. Occasionally the tram would break down, stranding miners in the buckets where they would literally cook alive in the Death Valley sun. I think we can all honestly say that would be a job that sucks worse than the ones we have!

The Cerro Gordo road eventually drops out in Saline Valley. The Panamint Valley back road to Darwin, Cerro Gordo, Saline Valley route would be a great one for a future trip.
Finally on our way out of the park Marc and I went to the movie museum in Lone Pine and then camped in the Alabama Hills. Alabama Hills has more choice campsites than just about anywhere I have seen.



Marc grilling up some halibut:

And..... that's all folks. Thanks so much to everyone who showed up and made this trip so great. Looking forward to seeing you guys on future trips!

This is a great report. I'm glad you had the chance to see some truly amazing parts of the west. When are you headed down next?

Just awesome DD...Great write up!! THe photos form Cerro Gordo look awesome! Added to my list!

You are right about the must do tourist stuff..Badwater, artist pallete and such, well worth the look....I mean, when's your next chance to go to 282 feet below sea level?

Thanks to all of you for scouting this out for me:thumb:. I'll be in Furnace Creek starting 2/4 for 4 nights if anyone wants to join in please do. We (my daughter, myself, and 2 dogs) will be in site 72.

Great write up and the pics are just awesome:thumb: You just raised the bar. I think I speak for everyone when I say that this trip far exceeded my expectations. Well done. I look forward to more wandering with the WTW gang.


Great report DD. I wish I had your camera skills.

Was there anyone at Cerro Gordo and did you get the official tour? That loop through Cerro Gordo, Saline Valley, Panamint Valley and Death Valley is on my to do list. I'm also glad you got to the Alabama Hills - awsome camping and rockclimbing area.

Again thanks for putting this together.

Those pics are stunning. Ditto on the Cerro Gordo route, wow. Truly a great trip. I think we scored all around.

You guys are inspiring for those of us who are shivering in the cold and dreaming of the day the sun will come out and shine. Thanks for the great reports everyone! :thumb:
Was there anyone at Cerro Gordo and did you get the official tour?

We didn't see anyone there. I look forward to going back the entire route was amazing.

On another note, Marc and I walked around Darwin for a while - there are a lot of inhabited homes there. Funny thing is we never saw even one person. Creepy.

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