Extended Summer - Lots of Pics!

All right guys and girls I'm in the prep stages of a four-month roam about. I'll be leaving here in late Feb. but won't be in the Toyota/FWC. Instead, I'll be in the Chinook pulling a dual axle cargo trailer full of product. My wife is putting me to work where I'll be traveling the scrapbooking circuit to various shows throughout the country. Really looking forward to it. Well not so much the shows but the time in between where I'll be free to roam. She'll be flying into each show and will travel with me some but not too much. I'll have some set destinations (something like 16) that I have to be at on certain dates but ohhhhhhhh the in between should be good. Some shows I'll have up to two weeks before I need to be anywhere. I may even try to get up to Novia Scotia as I'll out on the east coast this spring. Naturally, I won't be able to do the off-road stuff but should have a good time none the less. My wife has labeled it the Park and Petey show and has started a Pinterest site where her tribe can follow along. She has over 10,000 followers on one of her social media sites. I don't get it but her followers are similar to how we follow stuff on Wander the West. To each their own I guess. Those women really get into the scrapbooking thing. I plan on posting up when I'm on the road so hopefully I'll end up seeing some new stuff out there as I haven't been back east much. Below are her posts regarding the trip. I'll be posting up here on WTW once I hit the road.

Pinterest post: https://www.pinteres...and-petey-show/


Wifes business site: http://www.totally-tiffany.com/

If your wives or significant others are into scrapbooking pass it on. Her business will be keeping Petey and I in gas money. Petey and I will be out there soon!
HI Park!
I don't scrapbook, but will pass the sites on to some friends. Have a great time!
Oh, Pugsly wants me to ask you to tell Petey hello.
hoyden said:
HI Park!
I don't scrapbook, but will pass the sites on to some friends. Have a great time!
Oh, Pugsly wants me to ask you to tell Petey hello.
I personally don't get the scrapbooking thing at all but apparently, some do. I'll let Petey know that Pugsly says hello. We've got to get those two clowns together. Something tells me I might be able to get some epic pics.
Petey and I are back on the road. :) Update to the blogsite: http://nowheretobetour.blogspot.com/

I just got caught up on your last two posts and all I can say is WOW. You really know what you're doing behind that camera of yours.

As for walking to Alaska, was I seeing right or did he have on some big, heavy rubber boots? He's hardcore nevertheless.

Thanks for sharing--I always enjoy your posts.
Petey and I have covered quite a bit of ground since our last work gig in Dallas so I'll try and get an update while I've finally got a decent internet connection. Since Texas, we've hit Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. I try and take the most remote roads I can find................................update to the blog: http://nowheretobetour.blogspot.com/

You sure have a knack for getting great photos! I'll bet that waterfall has never looked better. Thanks for the update.
Finally got around to updating the blogsite. This posting is from almost a month ago when I was in the Smoky Mountains. I'm currently in the Adirondacks after spending some time in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the Appalachians in West Virginia. Going to try and catch up on the blogsite soon with those two postings and some other stuff in between. This roaming about is hard work!


Another update: http://nowheretobetour.blogspot.com/

Since leaving the Smoky Mountains Petey and I have been up thru the Appalachians in West Va., Upper PI of Michigan, the Adirondacks in NY, coastline and northern woods of Maine, and lots of points in between. We're currently laying up in Gettysburg National Park touring the battlefield sites. Way behind on updates to this blogsite so this is going to be a long one. If I don't get caught up now it's not going to happen. After leaving the Smokies, I worked my way...................


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