Extended Summer - Lots of Pics!

ski3pin said:
great stuff Park, we are enjoying your blog posts! :)
Thanks for following along. Catching up on the blog after a few months on the road turns into work after awhile. Nice to know it's being looked at. Worked on another post last night trying to catch up so here's another update:


Really surprised to hear about the trouble in San Ignacio, I've had nothing but pleasant interactions with the cops there. Was your companion blocking the mission or one of the small side streets?
We have always discussed driving out to that point, now I KNOW I want to go, thanks for taking us there.
Having asked the local fisherman about it previously I was also told of a "crazy gringa" living out there, sounds like she is gone now.
SunMan said:
Really surprised to hear about the trouble in San Ignacio, I've had nothing but pleasant interactions with the cops there. Was your companion blocking the mission or one of the small side streets?
No, it was total BS. Wayne was not blocking anything at all and was parked in the square and not adjacent to any red curbs. I think they were just bored. In the end, it only cost him about $6.00 USD and some time so it really amounted to nothing and it gave me something to give Wayne a hard time about.

SunMan said:
We have always discussed driving out to that point, now I KNOW I want to go, thanks for taking us there.
Having asked the local fisherman about it previously I was also told of a "crazy gringa" living out there, sounds like she is gone now.
Road can be bad, or nonexistent, in places. I can imagine that it would get really bad after a bad rain or storm. We ended up driving on the rocky beaches in quite a few places as well as some route finding up a couple of arroyos and were lucky to catch the beaches at low tide. It's funny because where you're at on that side you see no one but just a couple of miles across the bay it's crawling with people at all the favorite beaches alongside the highway. If you go set your mind that your rig is going to get scratched to hell. We cleared a few of the bad areas but I imagine it doesn't take long to grow back over.
Thanks for the info, I've long ago lost concern about my paint, my truck is covered with desert pin striping.

Still boggles me about San Ignacio, its not known for that sort of thing.
GroovyDad said:
That's an incredible adventure. You're one hell of a good photographer.

takesiteasy said:
I'm enjoying your posts. Great photos!

Squatch said:
Great stuff. Yours is one of the few blogs I have bookmarked.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Posting can turn into a lot of work so it's nice knowing some are enjoying it.

Another update as I'm still trying to catch up...............http://nowheretobetour.blogspot.com/2016/04/deeper-into-baja-part-7.html


New posts - WTW

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