Extended Summer - Lots of Pics!

Rolling off the ferry in Skagway I sensed the end of the trip was near even though I still had over 1500 miles ahead of me. I've been guilty on past trips of picking up the pace on the final few days of a trip once the "turn around point is reached" and simply pounding out miles with a...........

see more: http://nowheretobetour.blogspot.com/2015/10/final-push-south.html

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Park, that one looks pretty fresh. You're not doing a fillet and release are you???

Cool shot!
No, but the hunters did give me a nice steak that I cooked up that night.
Park you were lucky on the Cassiar route that the road didn't washout. 4 years ago on our Denali trip we tried to head south on the Cassiar and got as far as Deese Lake before being turned around due to landslides farther south on the road.Also the road into Stewart/Hyder was closed stranding campers at Stewart.Not a nice situation.
That shot of Bear Glacier,wow it sure has shrunk.
We first saw it in 1990 and it was almost to the road.Than again in 2009 and it was a half mile or so from the road,but now it sure is getting small.
Thanks for the ride along. Really enjoyed it.
Park, another great story! I got kick out of the brothel photo. When you look at the sign on the door, it says 'Alien Cathouse'. Now is that for extra terrestrials, or just folks from outside Nevada? Inquiring minds need to know....

Safe journeys!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Park, another great story! I got kick out of the brothel photo. When you look at the sign on the door, it says 'Alien Cathouse'. Now is that for extra terrestrials, or just folks from outside Nevada? Inquiring minds need to know....
or a close encounter...........................................

Park, enjoyed your story traveling through very familiar territory for us. Looking forward to more of the tale.
I just passed through Austin in the past month, a few days ahead of you, and would like to get back to the area and look around a bit. Looking forward to future posts on the Baja trip.
................torture, quirks, herding cats, socializing vs. exploring................well said! Enjoy your time south of the border.

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