Into the Winds

Just finished Parts 2-7 all in one sitting. The only problem is I was supposed to be working for this past hour! Absolutely spectacular and totally engaging. I'm even thinking about unearthing my backpack, Svea, and the other odds, ends, and accoutrements of backpacking.

Thanks so very much for the extraordinary efforts to document and post your reports. They are the Gold Standard and are much enjoyed and appreciated.

highz said:

I hope you'll tell us how your NEMO tent held up to the big storm.

Happy to, highz. Our heavy tent, that we still use in the winter is a North Face Mountain Tent, bomb proof but cramped for space and on the heavy side. Prior to our trip in 2007, we went through equipment and looked to where we could loose weight. Tent was one place, we'd get a sturdy three season for summer. We spent an evening at REI, asked for floor space and set up every tent we were interested in up. We bought a hybrid Sierra Design that used their water proof breathable fabric. We were stuck with it for 13 nights in the Winds. A piece of junk. Sierra Designs was not interested in a critique. REI gave us a full refund. We got a Mountain Hardware Haven, wonderful for space. We used it several trips and the fly came apart. The tent was no longer available. Mountain Hardware offered us a tent we didn't want. REI gave us a full refund. The Nemo Losi 3 was a brand new tent everybody was raving about. We set it up in the store and loved the space. For the weight, we could get a three person tent with wonderful head room and all of our gear will fit inside so we don't have to worry about storm. It has a neat gear net for one end. We love the tent and used it many times. Crank on the guy lines and it is solid in a storm. Hit the roof before unzipping the door in the rain or water will stream in.

I pulled the tent out early summer and found the seam tape coming off of the fly in several places. Nemo is happy to replace it but will not have more tents until Feb. 2015, Slow boat from China. Didn't do us much good. I fixed the fly with seam seal and sealed over every piece of seam tape. Nemo suggested this. A pain in the butt out of the old days. It held up to the punishment of this trip. We purchased the tent in 2010. Two years we didn't use it because of the health stuff. So two years use and it is coming apart? Not what I expected. They will want the old fly back to examine before giving me a new one. I'm kind of thinking my old one is fixed now but maybe I should so I can hold them to the guarantee if something else goes wrong?

Bottom line - it is a great tent but will it hold up?
This mini series was the best so far./ The geology of all the areas you took us through wow.
The Tetons from afar what a sight. Like seeing them as you leave Yellowstone only better.

Thanks for the trip.
More kudos for your trip report- most enjoyable. Beautiful photos. It makes me want to go there, although we probably aren't up to the ambitious hiking that you guys do (and we kind of gave up tents when we got the camper). :) My brother and I have been talking about a family meeting halfway somewhere next summer (he lives in Corvallis, OR). This place fits the bill pretty well, almost exactly halfway. Thanks for the inspiration!
ski3pin said:
So Stew, I know someone that you know that has been talking about the top of Squaretop and I don't know if I'll let her read your post. :eek:

Want to go? :)
We came down a very long grassy ramp that starts south of the summit and ends right at Marten Lake. The ramp would provide an easy, if not very exciting, way up as well.

By the way, is that Lonesome Lake below Pingora in some of your photos of Cirque of the Towers from Warrior Peak?
Doug Stewart said:
We came down a very long grassy ramp that starts south of the summit and ends right at Marten Lake. The ramp would provide an easy, if not very exciting, way up as well.

By the way, is that Lonesome Lake below Pingora in some of your photos of Cirque of the Towers from Warrior Peak?
Stew, the Lady was looking at the Granite Lake route up Squaretop. I was studying the route up from Marten. How were the views of The Bottle?

Yup, Lonesome Lake. Once again, Stew, you been everywhere! :)
ski3pin said:
Stew, the Lady was looking at the Granite Lake route up Squaretop. I was studying the route up from Marten. How were the views of The Bottle?

Yup, Lonesome Lake. Once again, Stew, you been everywhere! :)
The Bottle, an aptly named feature if there ever was one, sits right above Marten Lake but looks more like its namesake when viewed at a distance from the Green River.

Now, 3pin, I haven't been everywhere, but I have been to Lonesome Lake and the top of Pingora.
Doug Stewart said:
Now, 3pin, I haven't been everywhere, but I have been to Lonesome Lake and the top of Pingora.
Stew, here's to good memories.




three photos from not so long ago.......................................................................
I did 3 backpack trips in the late 90's in the Winds. Most memerable was from the Lander side- Bears Ear trail to Grave Lake-Baptiste Lake-Lizardhead Trail to the Circque Of The Towers and out North Fork Trail to Dickenson Park.Epic solo trip and fantastic fishing.It was the end of September-no bugs-only a few humans.Great trip report SKI.Brought back lots of memories.
ski3pin said:
Stew, here's to good memories.




three photos from not so long ago.......................................................................
Great memories, indeed! I was last at Lonesome Lake in 1975, or so. Thanks for the shots of Pingora, one of my favorite peaks and a fun climb, I should add.
Just finished reading the last part of your trip log, Mr, Pin -- what a great one! :) Thanks for sharing.
The Wind Rivers sure look like my kind of country...I need to add it to my "must see" list.

You'll have to stop by Fields another time to get that milkshake. Not saying that the milkshakes at the Fields Cafe are a reason to go way out of the way -- I just like the place...been frequenting it for over 20 years. It's the kind of place where fleece-wearing sagebrush-huggers (the high desert version of tree-hugger) and bird-huggers rub elbows peacefully with ranchers and buckaroos. (Well...maybe not literally rub elbows, but they may sit at the same lunch counter. ;) )
I did 3 backpack trips in the late 90's in the Winds. Most memerable was from the Lander side- Bears Ear trail to Grave Lake-Baptiste Lake-Lizardhead Trail to the Circque Of The Towers and out North Fork Trail to Dickenson Park.Epic solo trip and fantastic fishing.It was the end of September-no bugs-only a few humans.Great trip report SKI.Brought back lots of memories.
Very nice route. We talked with folks who were either returning or heading to Grave Lake and Baptiste Lake. Happy to help bring back memories while making some of our own. Thanks!

MarkBC said:
Just finished reading the last part of your trip log, Mr, Pin -- what a great one! :) Thanks for sharing.
The Wind Rivers sure look like my kind of country...I need to add it to my "must see" list.

You'll have to stop by Fields another time to get that milkshake. Not saying that the milkshakes at the Fields Cafe are a reason to go way out of the way -- I just like the place...been frequenting it for over 20 years. It's the kind of place where fleece-wearing sagebrush-huggers (the high desert version of tree-hugger) and bird-huggers rub elbows peacefully with ranchers and buckaroos. (Well...maybe not literally rub elbows, but they may sit at the same lunch counter. ;) )
Thanks for the kind comments Mr. BC! I expect we'll get that milkshake! :)
What a wonderful rich trip! I finally sat down and enjoyed parts 4-7. There's some wonderful photography and storytelling here. We're inspired!
Geez, take off for a few days and have to spend hours catching up on the ski3pins! Your pics are motivating me to get better.
Lighthawk said:
What a wonderful rich trip! I finally sat down and enjoyed parts 4-7. There's some wonderful photography and storytelling here. We're inspired!

highz said:
Yep, that was a fine adventure, and a great read! I pulled out the maps while reading and followed your routes. Definitely a special area.

craig333 said:
Geez, take off for a few days and have to spend hours catching up on the ski3pins! Your pics are motivating me to get better.
Thank you for your nice comments, we appreciate it! :)

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