It's winter! (meteorologically)


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Yesterday, December 1, was the start of meteorological winter.

An interesting swirl in this line of clouds -- half-way between Hawaii and Oregon.

Well, let’s hope winter is better than fall. Since September 1st, we’ve had only half an inch of precipitation in Flagstaff, the driest fall on record.
MarkBC said:
An interesting swirl in this line of clouds -- half-way between Hawaii and Oregon.
Are the clouds from Alaska moving clockwise and brushing the apparent atmospheric river stream headed northeast causing that swirl?
If so, what is likely to happen? We commonly get our first winter windstorm in the first half of December. Predictions I have heard on PDX TV weather reports are talking about dry but cold days in the next week. Perhaps, preparing for high winds & loss of power would be prudent?

So on the second day of winter we tromped through a few inches of snow - should be much more - and harvested a red fir for the holidays tree. Has lights on it now. :)
This forecast for the upcoming week in Bend has typical winter temperatures, even if there's no typical winter precipitation.

But I'm a fan of cold and sunny -- and that's typical for Bend in winter, too.
And it's good winter camping weather! :)
Some snow today-then clear and cold-teens at night, cold during the in sunny in the high deserts of NE Ca and NW Nevada. I'm already for summer :) !

In Central Oregon we've been under an air stagnation advisory for about 10 days and it's extended through the end of the week. Fortunately, in Bend we've not had much of the dreaded freezing fog that frequently accompanies winter high pressure caps in these parts.

The longer-range forecast looks good for winter camping...but we need snow -- in the mountains, that is.

(I have to be careful what I wish for -- I don't want a repeat of last winter's record in-town snow :unsure: )
High pressure ridge is blocking storms and causing an inversion layer. One of the advantages of living on a ridge - yesterday's low was 42°, today's was 54°. This is unbearable weather for mid December.
ski3pin said:
High pressure ridge is blocking storms and causing an inversion layer....
Yup -- dang ole inversion layer. :cautious:

Right now (a few minutes ago) at ~ 3500 feet in Bend:

While at the same time at the Mt. Bachelor ski area, ~20 miles to the west and ~3000 feet higher:
MtBachelor_20171214-1.jpg the Mt. B forecast shows, the high pressure is supposed to break in a day or two.
We still don't have any big storms showing in the near future.. :(
We have the same problem here Mark! Hazy, smoky, no moisture, no wind-no nothing and warmer in the high country than in the valley's! It was 10 or so yesterday morning and I didn't even try to walk the dog-seems like everyone around here is clogged up and has a headache, sore throat and a touch of the flu. Perfect fire down south. weather they say! Supposed to warm up a bit this week and they say a very slight possibility of rain but don't bet on it. Last year at this time we were wallowing in the worst snow storm in years-today nothing. Normally this time of the year I like to run up to Eagle Lake and camp in the snow-no one there, lot's of wild life to see-not this year, another fun winter me thinks.

Hmmm....looks like the last week of 2017 in these parts offers some good ice skating weather...
...But not good for much else. :(
We need snow in the mountains!
Heck, I'd even accept a little here in town if it meant a lot where it counts -- in the mountains.
MarkBC: maybe this will make you feel better (or maybe not...). While we may get some snow, it will be colder than we would like for the holiday. :)

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