Meteorological Winter


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Meteorological winter began a week ago, on December 1 (as it does every year).

It's not a designation that "civilians" (non-weather-nerds) generally acknowledge...but with what's happening in Bend today (see the forecast below) I just can't go along with the crowds and continue to call this "autumn"! ;)


At 8:30 a.m. it's 14° and snowing at my house -- confirming that this ain't fall anymore. A few inches of light, dry snow wouldn't be a problem, but it's what's coming this p.m. that could be nasty -- especially during the late-afternoon/evening commute.
I just hope that the forecast for above-freezing temperatures (i.e., ice-melting temperatures) tomorrow holds true.

(I spent a couple of days this week at the Oregon coast but came home last night -- a day earlier than planned -- due to this forecast and not wanting to have an "epic" crossing the Cascade passes in my car. :eek: )
Just a light,sparse dusting in Canby at the moment. Purported to be increasing, with the euphemistic silver thaw (freezing rain) due late after noon.
Snow here last night (heard that snow plow on my hill :D ) and this AM---supposed to turn to rain this afternoon and then rain all day Friday. Dog having fun in the snow; nice fire going in my wood stove too! Supposed to go to Reno on Friday PM-395 should be windy and rainy but clear of snow by then!

Went out to sweep snow off the front steps before it got too deep to sweep.

No...I didn't bother to put on shoes -- it was already up to 16°F, which is near toasty to us Bendites.


Help, run for the hills, Oregon is being over run by large footed monsters that have sprung from the snow!!! A Yeti or at least Big Foot invasion is upon us :ninja: !

The 'Silver Thaw' is starting a little early. As temps drop it's going to be a skating rink. I'm glad I don't have to drive in it!!!!

We are heading into the deep freeze finally. Some snow expected this weekend and then the arctic blast. single digit highs and below zero lows are forecast. About time- we've been unseasonably warm around here. Probably gonna be a white Christmas.


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Oh yeah -- it's winter!

Forecast for Bend tonight through Saturday -- with a focus on Wednesday.
Weather_Bend_20161212-1.jpg Weather_Bend_20161212-2.jpg

Yeah, I know there are places a lot colder and snowier than Bend, OR, and even Bend can get a lot colder and get more snow than is forecast this week. But this is enough for me.

I wonder how much snow Minden-Gardnerville, Nevada get...?
MarkBC said:
Oh yeah -- it's winter!

Forecast for Bend tonight through Saturday -- with a focus on Wednesday.

Yeah, I know there are places a lot colder and snowier than Bend, OR, and even Bend can get a lot colder and get more snow than is forecast this week. But this is enough for me.

I wonder how much snow Minden-Gardnerville, Nevada get...?
No whining :p
ski3pin said:
A foot and a half of cold soft powder! What a lucky guy you are, Mr. BC!
And since the city rarely plows my little residential street I could probably XC-ski it for a while.
It'll probably be light-powdery enough that I could clear my steps -- maybe even my driveway -- with a leaf blower! (...if I owned one of those obnoxious noise-makers ;) )
I just saw the weather forecast... :( I think we are going to get clobbered tomorrow afternoon. Maybe snow into double digits... It's fun in the mountains, notso fun here in the flatlands where all the crazy people live.
We here in the Nor'east envy you folks ;) .... oh I guess we shouldn't lump alla y'all into one clime but my nephew in Colorado says "we got 2 feet last night"! .... but it was powder!.... not joint compound eastern goo... I know I know I'm belly aching ... just happens I was looking at my weekend coming when the email notice came in on WTW... Here is a copy of the email I was sending my nephew:

"The kicker is Sunday (we have now 8” snow on ground)…. after 8” addition of ice pellets… it starts to rain…. then just as it stops..sort of… the temperature drops to 12º .

If one gets the 8” of slush moved (2 hours)…then the remaining will become a luge tract of 800 feet. So, ice cleats on and at least three 30 gallon barrels of wood stove ash… hand delivered with a plastic milk jug cut out trowel over the 800 feet. (Don’t wear good clothes)"
* I live in the boonies at 1600 ft... town mostly dirt roads... my dirt driveway is 800 ft.

I hope to be a 'snow bird" one day and head southwest in December and return in April.
Otherwise I live in paradise!

I just went to your Weather station.... holy Toledo... you got some snow coming!


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