Meteorological Winter

I just checked my spot forecast - three inches tomorrow and another three inches possible tomorrow night. Noah stopping by?
Lighthawk said:
We're in for five inches of rain in five days, here in the California western slope.
ski3pin said:
I just checked my spot forecast - three inches tomorrow and another three inches possible tomorrow night. Noah stopping by?
I heard somewhere, "When it rains, it pours".
I think I read it in a book on meteorology.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Maybe I should re design my Ark to hold more people/campers.
Floating is the main function of that isn't it a funny coincidence that the ancient Greek who explained how/why things float has a name that begins with "ark" (phonetically)?

Archimedes' principle
Looks like we, Bend, got about the amount of snow forecast -- about 4 inches at my house and, at 10 a.m., still falling lightly...changing to rain later on.

201702_Snow-1.JPG 201702_Snow-2.JPG
(Even before the overnight snow, everything -- the ground -- was still snow-covered from the 2+ feet we received a few weeks ago.)

By tomorrow there's gonna be a whole lotta meltin goin on.
When I head south on a winter trip it's not to avoid winter -- I sometimes head for places colder than Bend, such as Great Basin National Park.

But this winter... :cautious: ... (beginning next week) I won't mind a little warmer and drier -- I'll take it!


Bend's forecast is actually about 10° warmer than average for this time of year.
yeah, that'll take a little more than duct tape. I would bet that more of these structural problems will start popping up. This winter isn't close to being over, there's lots more surprises coming.
I think they're resigned to it just washing away and rebuilding next year. Emergency spillway isn't a good option.
High winds here today and had been raining pretty good now for a while. Power went off at 1:19 this afternoon and expect to be back on around midnight.

I fired up the Honda 1000wt generator and ran a extension cord into the house for lights. There is a good use for a generator.
We got the 4am phone call on Tuesday morning.
I was already awake, listening to a particularly strong gust strike the forest.

A tree had come down on Susan's parents house, where her daughter and grand-daughter reside. The young family grabbed their basics and retreated next door, smelling gas. Susan took the call and told me the propane tank had been knocked off it's moorings. I was still under the covers and said, "Call the fire department." And so the day began.

Trees were down across the roads getting there, and we had to take a backroad, which involved fording a stream.
The good news is we have had the tree crew clear the mess, and the insurance company has dried in the building.
A temporary propane tank was being set today.

We've had 10" of rain in five days. It's a big year with double our YTD rainfall.
Looking back to 1964 they had 22" of rain in five days, causing the Lower Hell Hole Dam failure.
Lighthawk, an event like this sure shapes up your day, doesn't it? Wow. Glad no one was hurt and we hope that getting the home safe and habitable goes well.

Somewhere around here I have an old copy of the usgs report on the failure of the coffer dam on the Rubicon River during construction of PCWA's Hell Hole dam. Quite an event and the scars are still so evident.

It would be nice to see the sun for several days in a roll.
Andy, sorry to hear about the storm damage. Glad things are getting worked out.

We are having sunshine and temps in the 40°s here today. No weather to speak of. What a strange winter. I hope things settle down for you guys soon.
Regards to the winter 63/64. As we traveled around Ca and Or over the years we have come across places where there are sighs of high water marks. Some I remember are US 101 south of Eureka where the Ell river flooded above the road,15' at least above the road way.
Navarro river a few miles east of Ca.1 where the water was at least 12' above the road.You can see silt marks on the redwoods.
The picnic area at Jedediah Smith CG on the Smith river east of Crescent City also silt marks very high on the Redwoods.
Then there's the visitors stop on the Umpqua river at Glide ,where the Colliding Rivers View Point is.
This series of storms lasted I think over a week and effected most of the west coast.
Mommy nature sure can pack a punch sometimes.
Glad all are safe at the Lighthawks.
It's snowing again---the seemingly never ending rain has just turned to snow! I just had to run to the wood shed for another load! They say another week of this ---but we are supposed to be out of the drought now with a chance that the rain/snow will end it down south too, that's good! Mud, snow , rain, me thinks lot's of people getting stuck and tearing up the back country roads this spring (already seeing rigs covered with mud every weekend)-that's bad. The BLM/FS have issued a warning about not using some of the roads ( unless you really need too) up here in NE Ca/NW Nevada until after they dry out. People will just ignore those warnings and the roads and nature will suffer! Another year of rutted roads, tall grass, snakes, more cheat grass and lot's of fires. Time for a drink :D !


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