Meteorological Winter

Smokecreek1 said:
OKay,Okay, I give up! It's a beautiful white wonderful world out there and I can't wait to go play in it :love: ! Yep, especially now that my neighbor just used his mini snow plow to clear out my driveway and the sun us starting to break thru the overcast. Bob just finished chewing on a fresh soup bone and is ready to go play; it is supposed to be clear and cold this week with no more snow predicted for the rest of the month (wonder what the coast will be like next week?). Still it would be nice if it was a tad warmer :p !

Smoke you might luck out on weather here on the coast. But there is a lot of debris on roads and trees down slides along the Big Sur coast.
Don't know about north of Santa Cruz more of the same I would think.
But might be warmer at least no snow.
Stay warm and safe my friend.
Ski this is what the sun looks like.
Can you feel the warmth.

aug 06 trip oregon 095.jpg
ski3pin said:
I'd say it has settled to around 2.5 feet now. ...
Good for you! You guys need it more than we do anyway. :)

I'm just happy to say that, for the first time in weeks, I was able to get out of my driveway in my car -- not the truck -- this afternoon. (pulled a muscle in my back in the final push to dig out and free the car...but it's only a flesh wound)
MarkBC said:
Good for you! You guys need it more than we do anyway. :)

I'm just happy to say that, for the first time in weeks, I was able to get out of my driveway in my car -- not the truck -- this afternoon. (pulled a muscle in my back in the final push to dig out and free the car...but it's only a flesh wound)
Monty Python returns...

Sited UBO (unidentified bright object) ,filling the sky with massive amounts of brightness.
Did we do something wrong,is this a punishment?


PS only 55 days until Spring.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:

Sited UBO (unidentified bright object) ,filling the sky with massive amounts of brightness.
5 additional inches of snow overnight with 25° low temperature. Yes Frank, that UBO appeared this morning! Sure feels great but has done little for ice abatement. :)
Yep-but it is still too cold---that orb appeared here too. A cold week ahead, but me thinks I might try to hit Eagle Lake next week (don't think I can make the coast). I have a new toy to test out -one of those army tent stoves. the type they use for ice fishing and only $39.00 on EBay. Figure take some presto logs out there-no wood there just like the high desert, and see how it works! Can't lose I figure, each log lasts 3 hours, so we will see what happens-of course i could end up the black prince, sitting in the snow and getting colder by the hour, but I will be taking pictures and if I can figure out how to down load to the this site(may have to call you Mark for help) give a field test for future WTW use-39.00 bucks can not go wrong.. , Anyway, Eagle Lake did not get hit as bad as Susanville, old time snow here, stores ran out of snow melt, food, great fun-really ice-ee here though, tired of it, but a real winter again for sure, better than living in the bay area, Still to cold. Got to chip the ice off of the camper roof so the solar will work first-another day in the high desert!

ski3pin said:
Snow cover in my part of the West. Take a look at this imagine - MODIS Today - pretty impressive.
Yep, the West is a white winter wonderland right now.
All of my part of it -- anything that hasn't been plowed or shoveled -- is white. And though we haven't had much new snow in the past 10 days it's been cold enough and remains so that it'll probably stay snowy for a while.
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