So now it's the first day of Fall

Helicopter inspected power lines late morning here and power is back on. Winds are down, smoke and ash fall. Is this the new meaning of Fall?
I took this picture at 8:15 am.We are getting very thick smoke
from the Creek fire.It's streaming west toward us.It's very high so we don't smell it.
Just weird how much it has blocked out the sun.It was like walking early evening time.
All the nighttime lighting is still on.

The Dolan fire in Big Sur area had doubled since Sunday to over 40k acres.
Anyone who traveled the Nacimiento Ferguson road will remember the fire station near the summit.
14 firefighters were injured and had to be air lifted out after digging in place to try and save the station.
It's totally gone. Most of the injured are OK.I think only 1 is in very serious condition.

It seems we have burned almost all there is to burn in our state.

Boy fall/winter rains can't come soon enough.
Ski,later in the afternoon the sun did manage to be seen through the "crud".
It was a strange color sorta pink,violet.
Better today,but still not much sunlight.
And chilly about 53*.
Here in Bend we've got mostly normal looking air and a result of the abnormal east winds.

I don't remember seeing anything like this before...not lasting for several days, at least.
Usually when fires are bad here it's the Dakotas or Nebraska that get our smoke...

Real bad times in western Oregon -- not just the smoke, but the homes, buildings and towns that went up in smoke. :(
Wildfires created worst air in the world in Oregon
By Gary A. Warner Oregon Capital Bureau

"...On Saturday night, Madras [45 miles north of Bend] hit 611 on the Air Quality Index of, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s real-time air pollution report....Oregon stood at the top of the nationwide list of places where breathing was noxious. On Saturday night, no other state had any place over 500 on the air quality index...."

Bend was over 500 AQI yesterday and early today, but has dropped down a bit -- no longer off the scale, but still at the low end of "Hazardous".

I'm glad I don't have any chronic respiratory problems.
I use the Fire and Smoke Map

a temporary monitor set up at Bridgeport, CA on 395 is currently showing 1170.4

Unbelievable conditions...................but hardly compares to the devastation of homes and our public lands.
Here in Bend, with a shift in wind direction, the air quality has improved -- now merely "Unhealthy" (PM 2.5 of 196), which is better than "Very Unhealthy" and even-worse "Hazardous", which it was for a couple of days. The sun is visible enough to cast shadows again.

A chance of precipitation is good... :D
... the chance of lightning is not good. :(

I'm going to see it as a glass half-full! :)
Woke up last night to an unfamiliar sound and smell outside. It was rain! As we began our morning walk this morning, it sprinkled rain. This will make a big difference in fire behavior, depending on the duration of this weather pattern. We can hope.
ski3pin said:
Woke up last night to an unfamiliar sound and smell outside. It was rain! As we began our morning walk this morning, it sprinkled rain. This will make a big difference in fire behavior, depending on the duration of this weather pattern. We can hope.
..........but our Air Quality Index was still 162.
The AQI in Bend is still 418, as of 9am.
But it's rained some in western Oregon this morning - still is - and that's where most of the biggest fires are, so that's good news.
No rain but its cloudy. I was watching the fire cams last night. No visible fire/glow on any of them. Hopefully its a good sign.
With the fall equinox approaching my wild turkey family tom,2 hens ,and 2 portlets
are filling themselves with the feed and apples I put out for them.
Also mr. tom is staring to do his strutting around for the hens.
Loads of fun to watch.

We are entertained easily.
Here in Hillsboro, Oregon, the AQI was 200 until 06:00, then dropped to 163 at 09:00 and down to 104 at 10:00. Much more pleasant to breathe today.

The rain has made it over the Cascades to the East Side now. Not much, it being the high desert and all, but the surface of the ground is wet, and the Air Quality Index in Bend has dropped by 250 points since morning.
Unfortunately, I also heard a thunder clap... :unsure:

UPDATE: It's enough rain that I can hear the roof-runoff dripping in the downspouts... so more than just damp.
The air quality not only maintained but improved overnight - now a pleasant "25" - safely in the Good zone.

I haven't opened the windows of my house in several days, because of the severe smoke... and it's not quite warm outside...
But I've now opened everything and have a window fan running.
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