So now it's the first day of Fall

Looks like big ole high pressure covering most of North America right now:

GOES17_abi_fullDisk_20201002_181032_band02.jpg GOES16_abi_fullDisk_20201002_180019_band02.jpg

Interesting that long running length of cloud running from southern Mexico and Guatemala, across the Gulf of Mexico, up along the eastern seaboard and up out to Greenland. :unsure:
MarkBC said:
Looks like big ole high pressure covering most of North America right now:
Sure is true for here. Our forecasted high for today is 92. I don't think it will happen, but either way, far too hot!
ski3pin said:
Look at California's current smoke pattern and where's it's laying.

Similar in the valleys of western Oregon.
I usually say "The West is best", but right now it looks like a little east of west is better...
Here on the coast we have had a lot of upper level smoke for a couple days.
Yesterday and today it has dropped lower.
Last nights full moon showed the effects of the smoke.



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Well the good news is the smoke is keeping the temperatures down. Next week looks better. Think I've said that before ;)
ski3pin said:
Sure is true for here. Our forecasted high for today is 92. I don't think it will happen, but either way, far too hot!

craig333 said:
Well the good news is the smoke is keeping the temperatures down. Next week looks better. Think I've said that before ;)
So smoky today the high temperature only made it to 84.
Our rain slipped out of the forecast.
But we have a beautiful fall day.
Sunny warm temps nice decorator clouds.

A great day to go somewhere,like that's possible.
Have a great day.
Looks like an average to slightly cool, wet winter is forecast for the Northwest. Good for Columbia River fish! :)

Too bad about the Southwest. :(


Mr. BC, looks the same prediction I've seen. It's saying we will be a bit warmer and dryer than normal. We'll find out. :)

Smoke was bad today. AQI 136. Go away, go away.

MarkBC said:
Looks like an average to slightly cool, wet winter is forecast for the Northwest. Good for Columbia River fish! :)

Too bad about the Southwest. :(


Saw a sure sign of Fall and the coming winter this morning. The loader came off the tractor and was replaced with the front mount snowblower. Doors are on the cab and chains are on all 4 tires. Bring it on Mom Nature, we're ready!
ski3pin said:
Saw a sure sign of Fall and the coming winter this morning. The loader came off the tractor and was replaced with the front mount snowblower. Doors are on the cab and chains are on all 4 tires. Bring it on Mom Nature, we're ready!
Here's hoping you get lots of opportunities to use your snow tools this winter, Mr. 3pin!
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Is it to early to start snow/rain dancing?
Me thinks it's going to be a dry season.
Frank, I’m still in the midst of the move to Eastern Oregon. Hold off just a bit on the snow/rain dancing.
Every night just before I go to bed I step out on my front porch, which faces east, and look at the sky. Lately I've been seeing the big red eye of Mars staring back intently at me. :unsure:
So... I read that Mars, the god of war, is opposing the Earth right now... :eek: What's next in 2020?!? :oops:

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