The Wildlife Photography Thread

The "little guys" of Yosemite, September 2015:



Thanks Steve,you sure have posted some great bird shots.
Keep posting.

We see a lot of different birds on our 4 mile morning walk but never take the camera along. And the I-pnone
just doesn't get it.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
On the launch pad... All systems go...


In monochrome

Love it. Color is my preference on this one.
That's some serious reach, and crop also?
Thanks for restarting the wildlife thread.
Lighthawk said:
Love it. Color is my preference on this one.
That's some serious reach, and crop also?
Thanks for restarting the wildlife thread.
Thanks Andy, the EXIF has it at 30 meters, and it's a 50% crop on a 16mp full frame camera (D4s)

Stalking Light said:
Wow, sweet shot. I too prefer the color version.
Charlie, thanks! Like you and Andy, I like the color version best as well.
Got out this afternoon to Sutter NWR. Sweeping mares tail clouds dimmed the light a bit, and a brown haze filled the valley. I found some quiet farm roads and took Callie along. She's trained to run with a vehicle and we also did a short walk below one of the levies.

Walking along the bottomland we came upon a great horned owl, sitting with his back to us. The bird tolerated us walking up fairly close.

Northern harriers are a favorite of mine. I saw this guy hunting along a canal, and watched him dive.

He had a mole or gopher, but couldn't take time to eat it, since a RTH had decided to join the meal. After a scuffle on the ground, they both took off.
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