Well it's time to get rid of Winter and onto Spring

Not a drop of rain so far and looking at the radar doesn't look promising here. I hope somebody is getting some rain.
craig333 said:
Not a drop of rain so far and looking at the radar doesn't look promising here. I hope somebody is getting some rain.
We both woke last night and noticed the deck was white. We were excited it was snowing as we dropped back to sleep. Nothing on the deck this morning. Closer night time inspection would have shown it was moonlight and not snow. Yes, where's the storm?
I want my money back. My rain gauge hasn't budged. Couple drops just enough to dirty the windshield. Guess I should go out and start watering :(
No measurable rainfall here. Forecasters sure got this one wrong. At least some areas got some moisture.
The only "rain" we saw was watching the Giants game with the
misty stuff there. Yes I think the weather guessers had big eyes for
this front.
Oh well there's always next fall.
That warm in Bend? Wow, that is hot! 73 here today and we're thinking quite warm. All the windows open tonight.
ski3pin said:
That warm in Bend? Wow, that is hot! 73 here today and we're thinking quite warm. All the windows open tonight.
I didn't actually experience that temperature myself -- I was driving home from my long, long trip. But when I got home tonight, that's what they said on the local TV weather -- close to a record but not quite.
But a cold front is moving in... In a couple of days the highs will be in the low 60s.
ski3pin said:
The ponderosa pine are dropping pollen a month ahead of normal here. Anyone need bags full of yellow silt?
I bet P-pine pollen could be an important part of a vegan diet.
I haven't noticed any of the yellow residue around here yet.
It's juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) pollen that I find annoying. I'm not allergic to it, but the spiky balls of pollen still poke and irritate my eyes when it's heavy.
While working up at the cabin, I’ve had to use wiper/washer every time I jump into the truck to clear the pine pollen off enough to see out the windshield. 30 minutes between cleanings is not uncommon.
MarkBC said:
I haven't noticed any of the yellow residue around here yet.
It's juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) pollen that I find annoying. I'm not allergic to it, but the spiky balls of pollen still poke and irritate my eyes when it's heavy.
Around here we start with the "grainy" white fir pollen. This stuff can irritate the eyes. We've now switched over to the silt like ponderosa pollen. In normal years we yearn for huge thunderstorms to knock it out of the trees and wash it away. Not anymore with the extreme dry conditions. We'll put up with the fine yellow powder everywhere. Further up country in a couple months the Lodgepole will be popping. :)
New England is in drought. Eastern white pine is laying yellow real thick on my dark grey truck and my solar panels need a hosing daily.

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