Search results

  1. F

    Geologic Egg

    One man's SWAG would be: the rock is a tuff, a welded tuff, a water-laid tuff, or a fine grained sandstone. While in place, and buried beneath younger sediments and volcanics, the brittle rock was fractured extensively by tectonic or other forces and developed joint sets including 90 degree...
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    Tri-point advice

    I actually have two pretty good excuses for failing to reach NC-VA-TN twice. On the first attempt, my geology school buddy (same guy who gained the TX-NM-OK tri-point) started from Pond Mountain Game Land at around 3:00 pm on January 2. We were navigating from old USGS topos which had little...
  3. F

    Teton Pass Road Landslide

    While I understand the value of having the pass open for folks commuting to Jackson from Idaho, I can't say I enjoyed either of my two traverses over it. The first was in rain, hail, sleet, and snow on July 27, 2015! Having read of the 10% grade in the Jackson side of the pass, I stopped and...
  4. F

    Tri-point advice

    Welcome to WTW! I wish I had some helpful info for your quest, but excepting following Google maps during a friend's jaunt to the TX-NM-CO tri-point (which is a few steps off of a public road). I have only the NC-VA-TN tri-point under my belt. That one is notable because it took me three...
  5. F


    Carbondale was initially my first choice for a Road Trip from NC primarily because it's on the route we usually take to Montana and the roads are good twixt here and yonder. Looking like the cloud cover (lack of?) is good for you today. Hope it's clear for Ladybug and yourself! Foy
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    Total eclipse 2024

    After deciding against flying to friend's homes in Texas in favor of a road trip to Ohio from NC, largely due to other recent trips' consecutive airline hassles such as weather delays and equipment problems, it's looking more and more like we'll cancel the 3 day out-and-back to the closest point...
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    Jeopardy! US National Forests

    Batting 1.000 here in NC, home of the venus flytrap.
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    As we wash the daily coatings of tree sap off and/or oak tags off of our vehicles, or move the tons of leaves off of our minimal lawn area annually, we always say "our trees giveth and they taketh away". For now, everything we have survived Hurricane Hazel in 1954 and Hurricane Fran in 1996...
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    As a lifelong resident of central NC, where any patch of soil at least 3' X 3' will be a tree if left along for long enough (generally not less than a couple or three years), I can confirm the "one cord per year forever" rule of thumb. On our exact patch of ground, which has been in the family...
  10. F

    Midwinter Disconnect

    Always a pleasure to see your drawings and read of your travels. And thanks as always to Mark BC for the technical support! Foy
  11. F

    2023_Smoky Mountain NP_Blue Ridge Parkway_New River Gorge NP

    A belated Welcome to North Carolina! You have been in and around the Smokies way more than I have, which is practically never southwest of I-40 outside of Asheville. But I banged on rocks and hiked/backpacked all over Grandfather Mountain and Linville Falls. If you knew exactly where to look...
  12. F

    Now Here is a Bad Day

    One wonders if said GPS indicated presence of the bridge on which most of the gallery was positioned for the show. As to the lawn chair spectators, we do a version of the same at the boat launch ramp on the first sunny warm weekend each Spring. There's a group in Florida which includes a...
  13. F

    Geological Interest

    Well, let's see--I took Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (the study of how sedimentary rocks form and how their often complex layering occurs) in the Fall semester of 1975 and to whatever extent, if any, the "problem of dolomite" was hit upon in subsequent courses, I don't recall a thing. So now...
  14. F

    The Winter Solstice Trip, Southern Nevada - December 2023

    Ski, Sorry to leave you hanging. I just had time for a quick run through the TR text and photos hoping for some of your most excellent rock pics, and you did not disappoint! I'll take a closer and more relaxed look in the next couple of days and will get back to you with hard information or a...
  15. F

    The Winter Solstice Trip, Southern Nevada - December 2023

    You had me at "Chaos Canyon". Great looking rocks over there! I like Tony's explanation and I am also a big fan of Myron Cook's videos. Foy
  16. F

    Tommy Smothers Died

    The Smothers Brothers' breakout in the mid 1960s was right when I was experiencing the addition of my third sister (against no brothers) to our family. Seeing the Smothers Brothers' TV show made me want a little brother even more than I did before. I flat out loved Tommy Smothers. RIP Brother...
  17. F

    Trying Winter Camping

    Yes, the Troodos ophiolites on Cyprus are literally the textbook example of ophiolites per the petrology textbook circa 1975. Our petrology professor had extensive research interests in the Oregon and Washington ophiolites.
  18. F

    Goal Zero’s Latest

    This looks like a trifecta of absurdity and annoyance delivered by Overloaders. First there's the light itself, followed by the "external power supply" which I think is Millenialese for "150 lb battery costing $2,000", and capped off by the photo in the brochure, presumably taken from a drone...
  19. F

    Highway 120 Birthday Adventure - November 2023

    As always, well played--very well played. Thanks for sharing. Benton HS looks like a splendid spot. Foy
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    You know you're a geezer when.......................

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    USMC 248th Birthday Today

    I've always thought the story of The Lady's father observing the anniversary of the formation of the USMC in 1775 is a great life story and I appreciate the two of you marking the day since his passing. Semper Fi to all of our great Marines!
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    Nevada Utah excursion - Fall 2023

    Tony, Class A rock pictures. I particularly like the dike shot. Happy Birthday too!
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    Mostly Exploring Idaho

    The blue rocks or blue stains on lighter rocks look a lot like azurite or a mixture of azurite and malachite, copper minerals often formed by surface weathering (mostly oxidation) of copper sulfide ore minerals. In short, they appear to have come from a copper prospect or a small mine. The...
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    Vic Harder Added to the Site Team!

    Many thanks to Ski and The Lady, and many thanks in advance to Vic! Foy
  25. F

    How we find our way around in the empty western lands

    And this particular 68 year old reformed field geologist's favorite adage, oft repeated herein, is "there is no complete substitute for a map, a compass, and the skillset to use them". During our college years, a group of a dozen or so geology majors went to Table Rock, NC to do some elementary...
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