It is Spring, Yes!

ski3pin said:
First night sleeping with the window open. ...
I'm not quite that bold -- yet... but I did have most windows and sliders open all day and into the evening.
Today was the warmest day we've had this year. In fact, when I was outside in full sun mid-afternoon I almost wished it was a few degrees cooler! :oops: But I didn't want to jinx spring, so I suppressed that thought. :p
Yup, don't want to jinx it! The Lady went skiing yesterday with Barking Spider to work on a ski trail. Barking said on their return, "She worked my butt off!" I said, "You asked her to come along and help." They ran into our ex county sheriff out snowshoeing with a buddy so it had to be a nice day.

During my lunch break from work I watched bees on the peach tree blossoms and dreamed about plump peaches in the fall. :)

Should I dare take the snowblower and tire chains off the tractor?

MarkBC said:
I'm not quite that bold -- yet... but I did have most windows and sliders open all day and into the evening.
Today was the warmest day we've had this year. In fact, when I was outside in full sun mid-afternoon I almost wished it was a few degrees cooler! :oops: But I didn't want to jinx spring, so I suppressed that thought. :p
ski3pin said:
. . . Should I dare take the snowblower and tire chains off the tractor?
Depends on how badly you want more snow :p You're already pushing it by taking snow tires off.

I leave my snowblower and shovels out and available until I need the lawn mower. Learned those lessons the hard way growing up in Duluth.

Grass is starting to green up here after two days of rain. Tree buds are starting to swell but not green yet. Lilac started to bud two weeks ago.
ski3pin said:
The May 1st snow survey showed the snowpack in our part of the Sierra Nevada at 188% of normal.
I haven't seen the latest survey for my area yet. Usually published in the paper, but if not I guess I'll have to go looking for it.
I didn’t catch the source, but nightly news last night reported that the west coast was going to have a bad fire season. That isn’t good.
They say that every year now. Wet year, bad fire season. Dry year, bad fire season. Fire has been the norm the past several years now.
But these "70" temps sure do feel great :love:! But those freezing temps on Monday and Tuesday were no fun-just part of this strange new weather pattern I guess!

Occidental said:
Thanks for the link.
Looks like Steens Mt and other Great Basin areas of SE OR have plenty.

Aside from what's good for us and our world...I like the 10-day forecast for Bend:
I’m “told” less worry for forest areas...heavy snowpack helping trees that have been stressed by the drought. I live in a chaparral environment...there’s always fire danger. And yes, still cool around here for this time of year. Me thinks summer will arrive suddenly and with a vengeance.
ski3pin said:
First night sleeping with the window open. Bad news is a lot of folks are still using their wood stoves.
Many nights now and oh the joy of the continuous barking through the night of all the neighbors' dogs. Last night I dreamed of a method to laser tag them for the new mountain lion in town. It worked. I drifted off into happy slumber. :)
"Bend had the second wettest April on record"
Kyle Spurr, Bend Bulletin, 2 May 2019

And what was that record amount of deluge?? :eek:
2.26 inches :rolleyes:
(1.48 inches above normal)
Yeah, we live at the edge of the high desert. That's why I've never regularly recorded rainfall when I was recording weather at my house -- the absolute numbers are just not that interesting!


I still haven't slept with the windows open this year. Lows in the 40s, and I don't want the house to cool down that much -- yet. Maybe I could open the bedroom window and keep the br door closed -- that might be the ticket.
I have had windows open during the day -- and looks like I will be for the next 10 days, at least. :)
Spring has arrived in Southern Minnesota; lawnmowers are out in force.

Windows have been open on warm days (72º today), nights still too cold.
Boy, they are saying we got 180% or so of our normal snow pack this year and the drought is over :) !! Now we just we just have to watch all that grass grow as the land dries out and with it the rodent and snake populations explode this year, ::

Yup. Jill (my wife) had to dispatch an uncooperative rattler in the horse stall yesterday. Willow (a Kiger Mustang) instinctively knew to keep her distance. Jill is brave, Willow is smart, I’m a big chicken. I hate snakes. Good thing I wasn’t there. LOL
Was up exercising my sawyer card on a trail clearing weekend on the Superior Hiking Trail along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Had fun dealing with the 12" of fresh snow, old snow drifts and a packed snowshoe trail that would let you post hole at any moment. Where there wasn't any snow there was mud. It was a fantastic weekend!! Felt so good to get out on the trail.
Happy Spring, Bigfoot Dave
55 deg F and socked in as of 0600 at 4,000' in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Blowing Rock, NC. Local weather tracker says we had 62.2" of snow from 11/3/18 through 3/31/19, almost exactly the normal amounts from my college years here at Appalachian State 40-45 years ago. Here for a niece's graduation from ASU. She was born just a few months ago, or so it seems. How did this happen?

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