It is Spring, Yes!

Foy said:

Here for a niece's graduation from ASU. She was born just a few months ago, or so it seems. How did this happen?

Foy, that gave is a chuckle, and when you come up with the answer please let us know.

Congrats to your niece on her graduation! :)
ski3pin said:
Foy, that gave is a chuckle, and when you come up with the answer please let us know.

Congrats to your niece on her graduation! :)
This is a fine and purposeful young woman who is of the type which really gives a geezer like her Uncle lots of hope for the future. She earned a Bachelors in Primary Education (K-3 in these parts), and earned it from a venerable University long known as Appalachian State Teacher's College. Her internship was with a group of sexually abused children and she reportedly really connected with her students. She's very much a credit to the whole Fam Damily as well as to her generation.

And back to Springtime weather--good thing it's cool, slightly overcast, and breezy. My old self wouldn't have lasted the nearly 3 hours with the chain saw cutting and stacking brush/saplings threatening the view if it was any sunnier or hotter. Time for a BLT sammich with fresh maters, Duke's mayonnaise, chilled lettuce, a cold beverage, and a snooze on the deck overlooking Grandfather Mountain!
Friday afternoon I drove across Shasta Lake (high above the lake, actually, on I-5), and I was amazed to see it virtually brim full.
The lakeview is now just vegetated slopes and lake water -- without the hundreds of feet of red dirt that has separated them for years of drought.
It's a good thing! :)
Well guys, get your overcoats an snow shoes out again! Just got back from a quicker trip that I planned for, up to Butte Creek FS CG (a prim CG just north of the northern gateway to Lassen Volcanic NP.and about 50 miles west of Susanville, Ca) Left on Tuesday wearing cut offs, planning to stay for several days, came back today driving through a snow storm and winter driving. That pacific storm they where talking about hit on Wednesday-wind and lots of rain at first-then cold-heater cold, and the day spent inside the pop-up instead of playing with and training my new border collie-Timber (yep I got a new one-but that is another story). We went from 20 degrees above normal temp to 20 degrees below norm. seemingly overnight. This thing is supposed to last until next week, and boy it sure feels like winter here again.

All last night was a winter night (used my new Wave 6 all night long) and I was wondering what was going to get me first, the rapid rise of Butte Creek, the possibility of a lodge pole pine landing on my rig, or would I get stuck driving out! The weather reports were right-a big storm did come in! Yep, made it 'till this morning, and nothing more fun that breaking camp with frozen hands in the wind and blowing snow. Water can was frozen-hey just part of that WTW experience we all love! Roads out were fine, HW 44, wet, sometimes snowy, but did not need 4x4, just had took it easy. I guess I'm becoming a wimp in my old age , weather really was not that bad-that's what I got the pop-up for and had all the right gear to enjoy it; But boy it is sure nice being home-now it is time to start planning my next run-somewhere warm :)-I hope. Another example of always being ready for anything i guess in this crazy weather world of late!

Smoke congrats on your new pup.

Gal said we should not have to run the house heater mid May... but she did turn it on. The air is cold outside and the wind is making it go right through you.

More snow in the Sierra with chain controls on Interstate 80 over Donner / Truckee. Enjoy your spring, summer is fast approaching.
Dang! It's mid-May, 1:15 in the afternoon...but it could be March, by the feel and look of it! :cautious:


Actually...this is nothing unheard of in Bend, but still...

I'm glad that [meteorological] summer is less than 2 weeks away -- then all will be well! ;)
Screen Shot 2019-05-19 at 4.56.21 PM.png

It is currently sleeting. Got my winter coat out again.
My trees are leafed out, perennials are about 6" tall, and we have a frost advisory for tonight.
Rain and wind here in coastal SoCal, with several inches of snow at our cabin in San Bernardinos 7k feet. More moisture on the way. We have a NorNV trip planned 6/3 along Lassen/Applegate Trail to Black Rock and beyond. Wondering if I should bring my water ski for the lakebed.
With all the snow and rain you folks in Cali have had over the past few months I was wondering how your reservoirs are doing.
Are they still low or have they filled up yet?
It's the last week of May, almost meteorological summer...and yet it's raining at 40°F here in Bend.
Just a few degrees colder and it'd be snowing!


I swear, I'm not shoveling the driveway again -- no matter what!
MarkBC said:
It's the last week of May, almost meteorological summer...and yet it's raining at 40°F here in Bend.
Just a few degrees colder and it'd be snowing!


I swear, I'm not shoveling the driveway again -- no matter what!
Ya got that right, Mark! Hopefully, all that rain will wash away the snow and solve that problem ;) !

Yesterday late-afternoon we had some big-booming -- very loud -- thunder and some heavy rain and a little hail.
I decided to try to capture video of the hail with my phone...and I noticed the feature called "super slo-mo". I'd never tried I have. Fun.

Samsung Galaxy S10e

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