It's winter! (meteorologically)

takesiteasy said:
This morning's temp was -17°F. Any walk today will be short and close to home.

We will watch some football and wait for it to warm up. :)

edit- just checked, wind chill is about -36°F. Probably not walking today...
From a winter spent in BC interior years ago, walking in -20F was fine. Just hold your breath until you get back inside. :p
Stay warm.

PaulT said:
From a winter spent in BC interior years ago, walking in -20F was fine. Just hold your breath until you get back inside. :p
Stay warm.

Haha, that works.

We did walk yesterday. Not bad if you keep exposed skin to a minimum.


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Well it warmed up to a balmy -6°F by the time the game was over. We walked up to the store (1 mi. RT) for provisions to help bring in the new year. Nice sunny day but the wind was still a bit stiff. :ninja:
takesiteasy said:
Well it warmed up to a balmy -6°F by the time the game was over. We walked up to the store (1 mi. RT) for provisions to help bring in the new year. Nice sunny day but the wind was still a bit stiff. :ninja:
Happy New Year Al.Hope the warmth gets to you soon.
Happy New Year everyone!

After 66 hours below zero we finally made it to +1°F for a couple hours today. Hooray. It's back below zero now. Looks like we will be cold until next weekend. Then a warmup into the teens! Yay!

It's winter for sure. Just like the old days, haha.
takesiteasy said:
Happy New Year everyone!

After 66 hours below zero we finally made it to +1°F for a couple hours today. Hooray. It's back below zero now. Looks like we will be cold until next weekend. Then a warmup into the teens! Yay!

It's winter for sure. Just like the old days, haha.
That's cold. I prefer cold weather over too-hot (because there are more ways to stay warm than to stay cool), but still... Dang!

One time in Bend, years ago, we had a day where the high was -5°F...but that is very unusual for us. Some winters we don't drop below zero F at all...and I'm OK with that.

Hang in there takesiteasy -- meteorological spring is just 2 months away!
takesiteasy said:
Happy New Year everyone!

After 66 hours below zero we finally made it to +1°F for a couple hours today. Hooray. It's back below zero now. Looks like we will be cold until next weekend. Then a warmup into the teens! Yay!

It's winter for sure. Just like the old days, haha.
Yes, Happy New Year!

We have been having 20° above normal temps for way too long.
Winter driving: Doesn't seem like it out in these parts.
So far since T-Day I've driven back and forth between Bend and Redding (CA) three times and to eastern Nevada and back -- no winter driving conditions at all. In fact, here it is January and I still haven't put my winter/snow tires on the car -- and I'm not regretting it! Weird...

Last winter we had snowmagedon, this year...well...I guess they call this "drought"... :( But still time to turn it around -- come on, storms!
We are being tantalized by a forecast for brief above normal temps this Sunday. Welcome news, but we have the same concern about snowfall- mainly there hasn't been much. We are about 15 inches behind for the season. Meanwhile, the east coast is getting hammered. Would be nice if we could just even things out a bit...
takesiteasy said:
We are being tantalized by a forecast for brief above normal temps this Sunday. Welcome news, but we have the same concern about snowfall- mainly there hasn't been much. We are about 15 inches behind for the season. Meanwhile, the east coast is getting hammered. Would be nice if we could just even things out a bit...
Could be this is the evening out process in action. The West coast got hammered last year and this year we're not getting desired precipitation. Maybe it's getting evened out on a longer timescale than our usual attention span?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ;)

We can't quite notice a greater length of daylight...................yet. :)

48° this morning, just not right. A least we're saving big on heating costs. :eek:
Ski- here we notice the later sunset times first. Sun is setting about a half hour later now- noticeable. Mornings are still dark. That will change gradually over the coming weeks. Just a few more months of winter to go!

Send some of your savings this way- we are burning lots of natural gas trying to stay warm. Teens below zero last night and tonight. Something like 8 of the first 12 days of January have been below zero. Hope to peek above zero today but currently -4°F. Sun is shining bright though... :)
X2 in Duluth! The piney woods are snapping and crackling at night. Have to hug the woodstove. Happy New Year, Bigfoot Dave
I am loving the TRs about DV though. I would have never considered going there before finding this group. Now I have it near the top of the bucket. Thanks, Bigfoot Dave
I'm at friends' house in Portland, OR - famous for cool, gray, damp (even snow, sometimes) winters...And we're outside on the deck in short sleeves! Full sunshine and 58°F.
That ain't right!
MarkBC said:
I'm at friends' house in Portland, OR - famous for cool, gray, damp (even snow, sometimes) winters...And we're outside on the deck in short sleeves! Full sunshine and 58°F.
That ain't right!
ski3pin said:
It warmed to 61° here today and we opened every window in the house. That ain't right!
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Almost 70 here today,with beautiful sunsets.
It's hard to take,but someone has to do it.
It's 68° inside our house and all the windows are tightly closed!

Wandering Sage- thanks for the moral support, haha.
Warm here too-10 plus degrees above usual! Reno in the 60's!!! Next week they say two new storms coming in with a chance of snow with temps way below normal -ya, go figure! Sure wish it would snow and cover up all those leave piles I didn't bag yet-can't win 'em all :cautious: !


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