teledork said:
I really, really want the wind to stop....
Vic Harder said:
This has certainly been a windy spring. ...
I'm not a big fan of wind either. Maybe if I was a sailor I'd enjoy it...but I'm not, so I don't.

But speaking of water craft: There were quite a few days this past winter (and late-fall, early-spring) on my kamp 'n' kayak tour through The South that I kept my boat off the water due to wind-driven chop and waves. Annoying.

I'm thinking...if they erected arrays of wind turbines around popular bodies of water -- and around towns where wind isn't fun -- we could dampen the wind speed to more enjoyable levels.
As soon as COVID and inflation are conquered they should get to work on that.
Vic Harder said:
This has certainly been a windy spring. It was windy down in Utah when we were there, and it is windy up here at home too. Unusual in my experience. And I'm with you, I can't sleep when it is this windy. Makes me wish I had a windmill though to generate power!
Vic - about 1/3 of my town was burned in a fire on November 17, 2020 when a power line snapped 300 yards north of my house with a wind blowing 80 - 125 mph from the southwest. One person died. We still think about what that number would have been if the fire started in the middle of the night instead of the middle of the day. I don't think I am the only sleepless soul in this valley on a windy night.
MarkBC said:
I'm not a big fan of wind either. Maybe if I was a sailor I'd enjoy it...but I'm not, so I don't.

But speaking of water craft: There were quite a few days this past winter (and late-fall, early-spring) on my kamp 'n' kayak tour through The South that I kept my boat off the water due to wind-driven chop and waves. Annoying.

I'm thinking...if they erected arrays of wind turbines around popular bodies of water -- and around towns where wind isn't fun -- we could dampen the wind speed to more enjoyable levels.
As soon as COVID and inflation are conquered they should get to work on that.
Great idea as soon as you get by the "NIMBY" crowd.
MarkBC said:
I'm not a big fan of wind either. Maybe if I was a sailor I'd enjoy it...but I'm not, so I don't.

But speaking of water craft: There were quite a few days this past winter (and late-fall, early-spring) on my kamp 'n' kayak tour through The South that I kept my boat off the water due to wind-driven chop and waves. Annoying.

I'm thinking...if they erected arrays of wind turbines around popular bodies of water -- and around towns where wind isn't fun -- we could dampen the wind speed to more enjoyable levels.
As soon as COVID and inflation are conquered they should get to work on that.
I am a sailor - or at least I was (my dad was the boat owner - San Francisco Bay, no slouch on winds)) The wind on the lee side of the Sierra is far too erratic for sailing.

And wind turbines kill birds. And bats.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Great idea as soon as you get by the "NIMBY" crowd.
If you private message me your mailing address I'll send you a copy of the book Bright Green Lies. I've been called much worse names than NIMBY but my personal feelings are insignificant when set up alongside the damage being done by "alternative" energy and the amazing ability the human brain has to deny reality.
It's raining here in Bend and about 50°F. Summer...summer?
But really, I don't mind rain and cool in June at all. Even if it just delays the local fire season, it's a good thing.
Currently 72 degrees and windy. Monday we're supposed to be over 100 again. I can't recall it ever bouncing around this much.
teledork said:
If you private message me your mailing address I'll send you a copy of the book Bright Green Lies. I've been called much worse names than NIMBY but my personal feelings are insignificant when set up alongside the damage being done by "alternative" energy and the amazing ability the human brain has to deny reality.
Also take a look at this review - Bright Green Lies & Deep Green Deceptions - MAHB ( What I most often see when people latch onto Bright Green Lies (BGL) is the mistaken belief that renewable energy is a good idea, and that what we should do instead is continue using non-renewables. The message of BGL and other "Deep Greens" is that industrialism - whether traditional or "renewable" - is not sustainable, period.
Here it is, afternoon in mid-June, and my furnace is running. :O
No, still not complaining.
I guess with above-average heat in a lot of the country, the cold has to go somewhere...
Vic Harder said:
Also take a look at this review - Bright Green Lies & Deep Green Deceptions - MAHB ( What I most often see when people latch onto Bright Green Lies (BGL) is the mistaken belief that renewable energy is a good idea, and that what we should do instead is continue using non-renewables. The message of BGL and other "Deep Greens" is that industrialism - whether traditional or "renewable" - is not sustainable, period.
Vic Harder said:
Also take a look at this review - Bright Green Lies & Deep Green Deceptions - MAHB ( What I most often see when people latch onto Bright Green Lies (BGL) is the mistaken belief that renewable energy is a good idea, and that what we should do instead is continue using non-renewables. The message of BGL and other "Deep Greens" is that industrialism - whether traditional or "renewable" - is not sustainable, period.
It is an interesting review but some of the comments about the the mindset of the book's writers sound like someone is taking the concept of bio-centrism rather personally.
teledork said:
It is an interesting review but some of the comments about the the mindset of the book's writers sound like someone is taking the concept of bio-centrism rather personally.
Agreed, it was rather testy at times. I gather the Deep Greens would prefer there to be no humans on the planet. For some reason I find that a little disconcerting.

I like the perspective of these bears tho!
I think I'm going to enjoy the rest of the week -- and next week -- more than today.



Not complaining... Today is forecast, at 96°F, to be the hottest we've had yet this year. This time last year we'd already been several degrees over 100F.
We've had similar off and on since noon today.

(courtesy AccuWeather)

(courtesy Weather Underground)
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