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  4. H

    I need more power Scotty!

    thank you for your write up.....I have come to the conclusion after three years of hard use on my AGM's that I need to be doing somthing in the charging system to get the full benefit of battery life. I have learned alot thank you hoopy
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    I totaled my All Terrain Panther %(

    sorry about your camper
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    Random FWC Photos

    Hi David White Salmon notice all rigs passing through if I see em in time always catch my eye! hoop
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    Hot water heater and water pump selection

    We have had both one 6 gal heater install with first FWC now we have a on demand Joolco. we use it outside. mainly every 4-5 days or available water source. We heat a water on the stove otherwise. That works well for us. I use a 5 gal bucket and pump out of that for the water heater when...
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    Hot water heater and water pump selection

    Hi, lots of options talked about ... our personal preferences that work for us are jugs and boiling water in winter and summer we use on demand heater for showers and clean up, Hoop
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    Crash Tests

    Driving with family vacationing with our FWC is a worry to me the investment on the back of a rig , health and saftey. Funny how the older one gets and working in a ER I suppose makes me a little more aware, Anyhow happy holidays and safe adventures. hoopy
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    Mounting a Propane tank on rear ext. wall ?

    There is a setup that you can refill the one pound cans. A friend of ours uses them for their camp kitchen. You would get your compactness and recycle. I have seen the exterior brackets as well
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    FWC Flatbed Discussion

    We have our Fwc flatbed mounted as a permanent rv. would not want to take it off. We had a slide in and that was a poa to take on and off and use the truck as a daily driver. This set up for us works well. And as always there are pro and cons. But we are happy with it the pocs are great...
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    Keeping Hawk cool in summer

    I like that for moving air might have to try it,,,, We use the double USB ported device that fits on the Batt.s to charge devices in the camper, My 15 year old can't move about w/o a phone in his hand, How do you like the chainsaw?
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    fresh water petcock drain valve

    I put a ball valve on the inside as well in case of failure, or tampering,
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    Rear cargo box / kitchen

    well thought our and a great Job. I like the kitchen set up hoopy
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    any suggestions for a vac!

    we use a Makita cordless and the batts are multi purpose charge phones and tools hoopy
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    Fantastic Fan opens itself and destroys itself: Easy to Remove and Replace with MaxxAir?

    I've used both maxair seems sturdier and more efficient as well drops right in same space hardest part is the caulk cleaning that off prior to putting in max air. My biggest mistake is picking a hot day to do the project and cooking out there in the process of the install. On the exterior...
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    DIY Camper

    hats off to him....very impressive hoopy
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    Destination charge

    I'd do a roud trip stick around and explore plus work any bugs out and (if there are any at all) close and have a great adventure home! hoopy
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    Follow up question on wiring on Flatbed Hawk

    did larger gauge well worth the effort...... comes into camper drivers side hoopy
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    Heading to PEI without our backseat passenger

    I'm sorry for your loss. They are family. Our friend travels well and we love his companionship, Our buddy is a rescue and a great camper or whatever he is game. Hoopy
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    Milts Bad Trip

    great sketches hope you get the dental pain figured out cheers hoopy
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    And So They Continue........................Fires

    Here in the columbia gorge we are starting to see the fires and am dreading least the town has banned fireworks to get the sale of them stopped as well
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    Another Bad Wildfire Fire Season

    Without hesitation I can wait for cooler weather and seasonal fire bans to be lifted. It has been the norm to my friends and neighbors to converse grimly with what this fire season will bring us, Anymore with the combination poor rainfall in our area and having the AQI that was possibly...
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    F150 2.7L payload package plus Hawk

    Like your ideas and thoughts there Davehwa. Kinda where we are at as well Dodge diesel with hawk ,,,,,,park ride hike float ski. Yet to each his or her own and that is the beautiy of it......complete customization Hoopy
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    leaks while driving

    we had a leak recently on a winter trip. snow stuck to side of camper windownmesh and then some of the worst rain down pour for the drive home down in the lowlands. The snow was sticking to the mesh kinda like one was spraying concrete on a ferro cement reinforced mesh! Pretty high winds...
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