It's Fall Here

Well my brother put the top back on his Jeep. I told him its too early and looking at the forecast I think I'm right. Going to be pushing 90 by the end of the week.
MarkBC said:
Well, I know where my snow shovel is.... but I'll be danged if I'll be using it anytime soon! It just ain't right to be shovelin snow before we even get to Indian summer!
Yea and turning the house heater on. Had to do it...
It's noon and it's 36°F :eek:


Yes, by Sunday/Monday temperatures will be seasonable again (briefly)...

...but today at NOON -- in September -- it's just 36°F!
Only one thing to say... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Okay, I lied. Second thing. Glacier NP got 52” at a place called Babb. That’s 4’ 4”... wow!
I was in Home Depot this morning. I saw Christmas trees (artificial) for sale -- Christmas trees in early October. A shiver went down my I paid for my items and got out of there as fast as I could. :unsure:
Not ready for Christmas yet. Its that time of year here when you want a jacket in the morning and shorts in the afternoon.
craig333 said:
Its that time of year here when you want a jacket in the morning and shorts in the afternoon.
How incredibly wonderful that is! :)

Just too bad it is so dark in the morning. It is time for daylight savings time to go back to ending in early October.

Yeah, I've complained about it before.................................
We're still waiting for fall color to hit Nevada City, but it's close

We're still harvesting a basket of tomatoes a day, which are mostly being dried in our dehydrator.
Squash, peppers and tomatillos are still coming in, along with the last of the basil. Bucks and does are prancing in the apple orchards, eating fallen fruit.

We paid a visit to our special tree at 4,000' where the meadows have turned golden.

Lovely! We left Canyonlands NP, Needles district yesterday morning in shorts and T-shirts at 70*. Later that day we were turned back on the I-15 by the State Patrol, and backtracked to Idaho Falls. Snow, ice, high winds and 9*F. Winter is here, never mind fall!
One week ago yesterday we endured a 100 degree F day on July 95th, known in some regions as October 3rd. Now it's normal, which is "sunny and 75", but dry. Scarcely a drop of rain since Hurricane Dorian 5 weeks ago.

Fall here, with all the tell tale signs...


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Best time of the year in this neck of the woods...


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I forgot about this thread,

Fall has finally come to East TN.

2 weeks ago it was still 95 in the afternoon

1 week ago I turned the heat pump from AC to Heat (my house was down to 63)

This morning it was 37, I need to remember a jacket in the AM.
The arrival of tropical weather systems, one after another, is a sign of early Fall in the southeastern US. What's left of Olga comes through in the morning, the 3rd or 4th such visit this year. The arrival of mid-to-late Fall is signaled by the nonstop banging and clanging of hickory nuts (early) and acorns (later, and mostly from white oaks) hitting the roof, polycarbonate skylight , camper trailer, and car the and trucks in the driveway. It's definitely a mast year in this part of NC, at least for the oaks. The hickories were thankfully light. And that's OK by me--those dang things will raise a knot on your noggin if they catch you just right.

Case in point on it being a mast year for the white oaks: I spent a good hour today with my backpack leaf blower wrangling a nearly continuous carpet of acorns off of the moss matting beneath the four most productive white oaks in the front yard. My system is to blow them downhill to the red brick pavers forming my front entryway sidewalk. I can't stop hearing the theme song from "Rawhide" in my head as I "drive" the acorns. Once I shovel them up, I wouldn't be surprised to have a half-full 75 gallon trashcan of them.

And next up are tons of oak, hickory, maple, gum, poplar, and beech leaves. Lovely in rich colors on the trees, but when down on the ground killing the grass and shrubs, not so much. We're not very fussy when it comes to landscaping, but what little grass and shrubs we have on an acre and a quarter, we want to keep, so off go the leaves out of the azalea and rose bush beds, off of the grass, and into the "natural areas" which comprise a good 2/3rds of our yard.

Oh, and the professional beaver trapper came today and set 3 traps in the creek behind the house, at the head of the pond. The furry rascals are back in our drainage and very active, but not for long. Last time they established residence in the creek, they killed 6 or 8 trees, mostly worthless sweet gums and a couple of poplars, but including two dogwoods planted by my late father over 50 years ago (we bought our house from my parents nearly 30 years ago and have now lived here for longer than they did). Sorry Mr. Beaver, if you mess with my Daddy's dogwoods, you've worn out your welcome.

Our city is infested with beaver, and here we are just 6 miles as the crow flies from the state Capitol building, smack dab in the middle of an urbanized county of nearly 900 square miles area with a million residents. The trapper, a newly minted NC State University wildlife management graduate, pointed out a fresh buck deer scrape I hadn't seen earlier as we walked down the hill to the creek. Beaver and muskrats in the pond, blue herons and egrets down there too, whitetail deer moseying back and forth along the bank of the pond, red fox, coyotes, wood ducks, hawks, owls, and more domesticated Canada geese than you can shake a stick at. It's a regular Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom down here.

Hey, I just saw Marlin Perkins!

Don’t try to understand em, just rope em, throw and brand em....

I agree, a great story, and I don’t blame you for taking revenge on the beaver. An heirloom tree is a treasure.

I hope you said howdy to Marlin for all of us out here.
ski3pin said:
Rolling, rolling, rolling..................

couldn't resist. Great story Foy! :)

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