Summer Dayz

A very hot and windy one for sure! Just got back from a week at Res. C on the Modoc NF. I had planned to stay a couple of days there, then north to L. Albert Rim country-------but! Red Flag warnings every where, real hot and windy, never seen "C" this low before and boat launch almost closed unless you had canoe you could carry to the water! All the local res. low, land is bone dry. Between a juniper removal project and a real mad house of uncontrolled users before I got there (according to . USFS) lot';s of the area got trashed :eek: !

Anyway had the place to myself most of the time, found a shady campsite, read allot, had a vodka or two, and walked the dog in the early morn and evening, and road out the worst of it-better than sitting at home. Frig thermostat went on the blink on Sunday and had to drink warm beer, so I came home yesterday. Be careful out there folks it will be in the 100's later this week in the high desert with Red Flag warnings projected for the near future. Oh by the way, my local rv place said it may take a year to get a new thermostat, the demand for rv stuff is through the roof these days! Guess I had better break out the old cooler and return to the days of old camping of the past. Have a fun summer! PS: date stamp is wrong on photo!

We're having some convective excitement going on here in Central Oregon this evening!

There's a Red Flag warning on, but it's raining hard (at my house) so maybe that'll mitigate a bit.
Pretty good T-storms here with plenty of thunder, buckets of heavy rain and lightning here now in Susanville! Reno weather says expect more over the next few days until the 100 degree days hit-almost glad I'm not camped in some gully out there somewhere.

Was 7 day forecast when we had predicted 117 degrees F. In Portland, Oregon metro area.

Unfortunately, I linked a dynamic image which updated frequently, so I deleted the link.

T-storm knocked the power line over the hill last night, power came on a little while ago. Fire started up on 36, been hearing fire choppers all morning! We are supposed to have another "T" storm type of day again! Temps mid 80's today, then shot up to the 90's then 100's . Don't hear any choppers over head now but it is starting to get dark and cloudy out, think I'll just give up on today and have an early vodka :rolleyes: !!

We had the thunder and lightning at Antelope Lake but the next day was just rain. Kept the dust down nicely. I heard a couple of small fires on the scanner but nothing of any size.
"But it's a DRY heat"
No, really -- it is!

As much as that phrase has become a joke, it really does make a difference. I can put a wet cloth on my head and point an electric fan at me and get a little relief, cooling all that blood flowing through my skull.

On the other end of the spectrum: In early March I was camped on Gulf of Mexico barrier island, Grand Isle, Louisiana. It was barely 80°F...but it was also about 90% humidity. I was sweating, so I turned the a/c on in my camper!
My West-Coast-tuned body/brain system thinks that if I'm sweating while sitting still then it must be HOT.
[SIZE=18pt]We have lived in our home for 31 years. The hottest temperature we have recorded here at home was 97° last summer. Right now our outside temperature is 99° beating the last record by 2°. Sad, sad, sad.[/SIZE]
ski3pin said:
[SIZE=18pt]We have lived in our home for 31 years. The hottest temperature we have recorded here at home was 97° last summer. Right now our outside temperature is 99° beating the last record by 2°. Sad, sad, sad.[/SIZE]
This, just now, brought to mind an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation -- an episode called "The Inner Light"* -- frequently considered to be the best (or one of the best) of that series. It's sad and beautiful.
What made me think of it was the theme of increasing heat and drought.

Except that Star Trek TNG is fiction.

(* Star Trek TNG is streamable on Amazon Prime. The Inner Light is 5th season, 25th episode)

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