Let's Move to Summer 2020!

Last night I went to bed with most/all of my home's windows open and a box fan running in a window to circulate cool night air in/through the house in preparation for a warm day today.

In the wee hours of this morning I was awoken by coolness...and I had to pull the comforter up from the floor at the foot of the bed and over me -- sheet and thin blanket wasn't enough! This was the first time in a couple of months that I've used the comforter.

Fans of A Song of Ice and Fire (aka "Game of Thrones") know the motto of House Stark...
Great, just great... more smoke for our area!

Since being home on the 25th we have not opened windows and have had the air conditioner set to 75 degrees running day and night.

Ski thanks for the two links you provided earlier:



Here is another link for air quality, AirNow: We have been raising today and now at 154, yuck...

Just as our fires on the central coast are moping up
more lighting strikes now over the Sierras.
Folks it's going to be a long fire season.
And fall starts Tuesday 1 Sept.
Stay safe.
ski3pin said:
New fire northwest of Walker, California -
Slink Fire
We were just south of there on this trip - Carson Iceberg Wilderness
Lightning start Saturday morning, currently 3000 acres.
From this morning's report -

"Around 6 p.m., fire behavior and activity increased, especially on the south end of the fire near the Rodriguez Flat area, burning in heavier fuels. Also on the south end, the fire got established into Snodgrass Creek area, a tributary to Silver King Creek."

and in weather concerns -

"Dry cold front will bring gusty northwest winds and much lower humidity. Critical conditions Monday afternoon and evening. Fire will push into steep and inaccessible terrain with heavy fuel loading"

This fire has the potential to burn the entire Silver King Creek drainage..................that I wrote about in the above blog link.
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