Let's Move to Summer 2020!

Ah, the dog days of summer here. Julie & I are living on fresh peaches and squash and tomatoes (from friend's gardens). We backed the truck out of the garage today and exterior and interior of the camper got a through cleaning and minor maintenance items taken care of. Maintenance on the Stihl blower and inspected and ran the Honda generator, ready for the upcoming power outages. Late afternoon - right on cue - the sirens started with medic units and fire engines racing by. Calstar helicopter went over the house a bit ago on the way to Sutter Roseville Trauma Center. 75% chance alcohol was involved in the wreck, drowning, or fight. Ah, just another summer weekend in the mountains.

Three weeks until the beginning of Fall! :)
I just got home from a week with a pack on my back. For a four day period the only human "contact" was seeing people in the distance - in one instance it was six hikers while I was waist deep in a lake swinging around a fly rod. And they were a long way off.

To begin the trip there was no place to (reasonably) park in the trailhead lot which is already bad because the river ate a large part of it back in '97. But I have no idea where all those people were. After I got past the one day-itis.

Now I come home to make more sauerkraut, fermented pickles and pickle relish. The size of the cabbage heads is scary. I have not looked at other things yet but the heat seems to messing with the tomato set.
In 30 years of living here the hottest we've ever seen it has been 95°. A half hour ago our outside thermometer read 95.9° A few clouds and it is now 94.5° I'd say, unfortunately that's a new record. Hotter days ahead through next Wednesday.
A mere 111 yesterday and we may see higher yet. I need to do some work on the truck yet its too hot to touch :(
craig333 said:
A mere 111 yesterday and we may see higher yet. I need to do some work on the truck yet its too hot to touch :(
.....................and try to get things done with the rolling blackouts :)
Well thanks to the heat we have a clear sky.Not all clear but with nice "sheep" clouds.
This morning about 3am a small system rolled through over the bay with lighting/thunder.
No rain hear but some nice cloud formations and the light show.
Heat has been around high 80s low 90s.Very warm for us but not near a record here.

Just staying indoors with a small fan. Glad to have interesting reading material to fall back on.
Had a small time blackout last night about 1/2 hour. Right around the 7th inning of the Giants "bad" game.

Stay cool and hydrated out there.


Nice color in the clouds. Any rain was over the water.
This is a tad unusual: Bend warmer than Redding...!
IMG_20200816_133349.jpg IMG_20200816_133410.jpg
(Weather Underground app for Android)

In summer when it's hot, Redding is usually at least 10°F warmer than Bend.

Maybe it's cloudy in Redding... but it shows "Sunny".
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Right around the 7th inning of the Giants "bad" game.



Nice color in the clouds. Any rain was over the water.
Hope you were not listening this evening. As a long time Giants fan I am officially embarrassed. But not for the first time .......
I agree not much to be thrilled over.
We do stick to watching most games though,
but not yesterdays after the 6th it was time to do something else.
There's still 38 games left and hope.

On another thought.We have cooled a bit,but there is a fire in the foot hills of Mt. Toro
outside Salinas. On our walk yesterday morning we noticed a very small plume of smoke
toward the Salinas area.That was about 7am and the fire started about 4am by lighting strike.

It grew to about 1500 acres by sundown but the ground firefighters were called off
due to excessive heat and just fought with aircraft.
Haven't checked today's acreage but I think it's about 3500 now.

Conditions seem to be better today lower heat higher humidity.

Oh well so goes the fire season.Doesn't seem to be a season anymore just anytime of the year.
Speaking of 'fire season':
This morning in the Redding, CA, area the current conditions on my weather app were given as "Smoke".
When I went outside I saw that maybe "Ash" would have been another way to describe it.
Ash on my car:
IMG_20200819_194425.jpg IMG_20200819_194254.jpg

And light ashfall was continuing.
Lots of smoke and ash around the Monterey bay area.
River fire ,Salinas area is now 33k acres.The big fire in the Santa Cruz Mts is 44k.
Small towns outside Santa Cruz are being evacuated also areas near the River fire.
The ash is very noticeable,and the air is full of smoke.
Pretty much staying in the house.
Oh summer.
Big red ball in the morning and at sunset with gray overcast. Here's the -

Fire & Smoke Map

MarkBC said:
Speaking of 'fire season':
This morning in the Redding, CA, area the current conditions on my weather app were given as "Smoke".
When I went outside I saw that maybe "Ash" would have been another way to describe it.
Ash on my car:

And light ashfall was continuing.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Lots of smoke and ash around the Monterey bay area.
River fire ,Salinas area is now 33k acres.The big fire in the Santa Cruz Mts is 44k.
Small towns outside Santa Cruz are being evacuated also areas near the River fire.
The ash is very noticeable,and the air is full of smoke.
Pretty much staying in the house.
Oh summer.
Fires to the east of me, fires to the west of me, fires to the north of me, fires to the south of me (many for the 2nd, or 3rd time this year)-and all sending nasty unhealthful smoke right here into my front yard! The fire to the SE just cut 395, so no more runs to Reno. So I ran away from all this last week-up to North Eagle Lake for several days of camping (planned to go to Nevada, but Red Flag weather there). Hot and windy with lot's of deer flies, but that's camping-fine. Only one other camper and some day boaters there , until, that is, the guy with the parrot arrived! Yep had a parrot on his shoulder as he drove into the CG; parked on a fire road lined with no-parking signs that marked the south cg boundary , below where I camped. When he started to set up camp, I yelled down to him "that I thought he could not camp there.", he yelled back "go tell it to his mother". I just walked back behind my camper and read for a while and when it got dark went inside. That night, he entertained us with this outside speakers with original and made up parrot and other animal sounds such as "ribbit, ribbit!!!

I left for Susanville in the morning and drove through one of the worst thunder and lightning storms that I ever drove through .Windy and rainy in Susanville, and still smoky! That night the storm started several new fires in the Diamond Mountain Range to the south of town. By the next day the fire had made a run down the slope and evacuations were soon underway south of town along Gold Run Way .and the smoke was thick both here and in Reno. Local fire resources, including a local timber company, put up fire breaks that held up the fire for a while and as happened last month, more fire crews pored into town--- and we got the next to last uncommitted Class 1 fire Mgt overhead team in the great state of California yesterday( things are getting interesting again). Time to head to the store to load up on supplies and beer.

We are not the only ones having problems, with all the surrounding counties having lot's of fires and with fire resources really pushed to their limits---and with above ave, temps in the 90's /100's and Red Flag weather warnings and high winds projected for the rest of this week, more fun days ahead.. Hey and this is only here in NE Calif/NW Nevada. When you throw in what's going on in the rest of Calif, and the rest of the west-not to mention Covid-19, yes, this has an interesting summer. so far. I can hardly wait for Fall to start :cool:! PS: As I was finishing this up, my phone just rang-it was Sheriffs automated emergency service saying mandatory evacuation required for more of the Gold Run area-fire is still a few miles out from here, but one never knows-fire last month made it to the 5 mile mark before they got a line around it. Still plenty of time to watch the last episode of "Alone" tonight! Until next time!

I am going to wait for the movie of 2020.Should be a good one.
You just can't write this stuff up,not even the best SiFi people.
Stay safe.We may get some wind break to blow the smoke away soon.
For us smoke the issue not flames.

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