Fall In

MarkBC said:
Kinda like what East Coasters say about Western wildfires
Quite true, Mark. It's probably one of those "more comfortable with the devil you know than the devil you don't know" things.
MarkBC said:
Hurricanes are destructive and deadly...
Emergency teams struggle to reach Grand Isle [Louisiana] after Hurricane Ida

Town of Grand Isle deemed "uninhabitable" following Hurricane Ida

I've camped in the state park on the eastern tip of Grand Isle, LA, (connected to the mainland by an elevated causeway) at least three times -- most recently March of this year and December of last year. It's right on the Gulf.
In December I paddled my kayak from the State Park beach, out into the Gulf and among leaping dolphins:

(OK...in this video the dolphins aren't actually "leaping", but -- really -- they were, earlier in this paddle session, even leaping two in unison -- in parallel -- just like in a Marineland show. :eek: )

All of the homes and most commercial buildings on the island are built high up on stilts, pilings -- to reduce the damage of storm surge. But that's not always enough. :(
It's been raining here in Bend since the wee hours this morning. Of course, being the high desert, it's not going to amount to a whole lot of water. We average only 12 inches/year.
But it's a good thing, nevertheless!

Besides being gray and damp outside today, this 10-day forecast also confirms that it's fall:

I heard the rain come by about three separate times. Within minutes everything was dry again. I think we got about .05 of rain though my rain gauge read 0. Crossing my fingers the storms helped more than hurt.
Today's rain totals in Central Oregon were between 0.4 and 0.6 inches...so not a soaker but definitely more than a trace.
So nice to wake up to the sound of rain on the roof :love:! and----for the first time in what seems like a long time, the National Weather site showed clear skies and not haze or smoke projected for all week!!!

So nice to be able to have the windows and slider doors open all day -- not too hot anymore and not yet too cold. Perfect Goldilocks conditions!

And not too smoky -- today, at least.
This swirly system off the Baja California coast has an eye! Or looks like one, anyway...

Driving through Stockton/Sacramento (on my way to Chico) last Thursday evening, torrential rain with T&L. Lasted for just a few minutes but enough to watch speeding semi trucks get sideways. Good times!
This morning -- for the first time in a LONG time -- I left the house in long-sleeve shirt, long pants and full-coverage shoes... and NOT because I was going to a wedding, funeral, court appearance nor to work a shift on the fire line.
Yep, it's fall in Central Oregon!
We ended up getting just 0.1 inches in the Bend area -- early yesterday morning.
And it was very windy as the front passed through.
ski3pin said:
Raining hard here. It woke us from sound sleep. Is this a sign of a real shift of the seasons? We hope so.
Still a steady drizzle and 53 degrees; it makes for a fine Sunday morning. Isn't the equinox soon? :)
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