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  1. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Wandering Western Sierra

    If there was a Trip Report Hall Of Fame, this Gentleman would get my one and only vote.
  2. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West 2017 Family Christmas to Barcelona,Spain

    No kidding, great pictures of food! And the history is amazing, what a trip that would be, I can only imagine, and enjoy your TR. Thanks a lot!
  3. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Trip of a Wifetime, Trippin The Bears Ears

    Hey Tuff Guy, It was a great trip, more so because of the timing of getting to Denver Airport from the Needles at the exact perfect second. How can a guy plan that lol? And yes I'd be willing to bet that Elk Ridge Road will stay open, although the planning for the NM hasn't even started yet. It...
  4. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Trip of a Wifetime, Trippin The Bears Ears

    It's an older TR, but maybe still relevant with it being a new monument. This trip starts at the turn-off to Natural Bridges and runs until Elk Ridge Road hits Hwy 211 in The Needles. But wait, there's here
  5. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West I'm back to New Mexico

    The first four pics are aesthetically gorgeous. And I see you went to Flaming Roof House, fantastic. The Schafer Trail is also a good pano, hope you had a good trip!
  6. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Catching Sturgeon on inflatable pontoons

    I just did stumble on this thread as I check out more of Wander The West website. You say it's more personal to have them in your lap, do they have teeth? Lordy I can't imagine a fish that big on my line being mainly a stream/river trout fisher. That looks like a sport I could enjoy, for thanks...
  7. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Gold Butte National Monument

    Sadly, I have a hard time being happy at the thought of more government regulating the use of the outdoors. The BLM already uses a very heavy hand when determining what to close. Lets' understand here that nothing will be reopened under the current environmental agenda. In response to having...
  8. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West I need to hear a good new joke

    Oh my gosh, I just discovered this excellent thread, I have never seen so many good jokes in one place. In the meantime I was reading the news the other day and stumbled on an article about Lorena Bobbit's sister. We all remember Lorena Bobbit right? She did the unthinkable and cut her husbands...
  9. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Death Valley National Park - December 2016

    Very very nice, there's nothing like the sound of nothing to pull us to the wide open spaces. And talk about wide open spaces! One picture of stone looks man made, but maybe it's just my eyes. Common theory has it that horses were not around until the Spanish brought them over but who knows how...
  10. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Point Reyes & Bodega Bay - December 2016

    Great pics of the coast, and what a beautiful coast it is. God I miss the ocean. And look, your pictures are also very sharp in detail. I need to figure that out, or take lessons. You are in a good place to be able to hit the coast or the desert, and everything in between, namely the Sierras!
  11. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Thanksgiving No.37

    Aha, Wandering Sagebrush, you've busted me. Yes I do feel that my pictures lack, at the very least, good sharpness that everyone else seems to have and I am never happy with them. I do appreciate your comments, very much, and hope you have a great great day! Hey Tuff Guy! That's a new one on...
  12. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Thanksgiving No.37

    Well it seems time to post a trip report to stay in good standing with the trip report gods. This great website seems to be where those gods hang out. I'll say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, a bit belatedly. Thanksgiving 2016
  13. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West A Western Odyssey (very photo heavy)

    Excellent pictures young friend, of a wonderful trip. I don't know how you upload such tack sharp images, I'm always disappointed in mine. At least on "blogger" they seem to lose resolution, I've not tried linking them here. Personally I think Wander The West must have a "professional...
  14. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Southwest Zig Zagging

    I don't know why but I almost didn't look at this TR. Now I hear Tony the Tiger saying Grrrreat! The trip itself is fantastic, pictures excellent and I love your layout of the page. The two pictures of Monument Valley stand out to me, in particular the one with a ribbon of highway leading...
  15. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West SALINE VALLEY HOT SPRINGS, December, 2016

    Thanks mucho for this TR, cheating winter will have new meaning to us in Boise after leaving Arizona. And what a way to cheat hah, I love it. Thanks again!
  16. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West No Destination : hoyden and two dogs hit the road full-time

    Young Lady, you are living la vida loca!! Fabulous, fantastic, fun, well, I do get excited when I see someone doing something I don't have the cojones to do yet would love to. Yes, dogs are not allowed in more and more places, to our complete consternation. Good luck and I'll hope you have some...
  17. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Wonder Nevada

    Has anybody ever said that "Ski, you get out too much?" Of course not, because there's no such thing!! Great shots of places with that long horizon I love, the open desert. A couple of excellent night pics too. As with others I'm sorry to hear butt glad to not have seen the explosive effects of...
  18. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West California Road Trip (Coast and Sierras)

    I occidentaly stumbled on this fabulous trip report, I love it. We've been to Gold Bluffs, one of the best camp grounds/spot we've been. Were supposed to hit the Lost Coast but changed plans. I now see what we missed. Congrats on a wonderful trip and TR, great pictures all. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
  19. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Milts Illustrated Journals in Review

    If I could ask for a god-given talent the first would be the talent to draw/paint like this. The second I'd ask for would be to have a great singing voice. Not so much to sing while I drew, but I think those are the best of all talents. What a fantastic ability and these trip reports are in a...
  20. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West The joys of local overnighters!

    Oh yeah, it's sure nice through trip reports to see other parts of the country and the added history as well. Thanks for the TR and in the one picture of you inside the fort it looks like you may be a loose cannon? Sorry, it had to be asked.
  21. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Wander the West Forum Group Camping Gathering at Valley of the Gods, 2016

    What a fabulous good time and follow-up trip report. Not to mention the area itself is a treat for four eyes. Thanks for the time you put in to posting this!!
  22. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Benton Hot Springs - November 2016

    Hey nice trip and photos, that's no Mira Lago for sure. I love the old car pic especially. I was wondering if another guy was with you would that be a mono y mono trip? Wait, you're 64?? All this time I was thinking you were a young pup. So that gives me great hope and something to shoot for...
  23. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West October Trip to Utah

    x2 from Whazoo, very enjoyable trip reports...
  24. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Let's make truck camping great again...Camping the Owyhees

    Ahoy Judy! I'm glad to see you're still clicking about. We have a lot in common incl the way we see the great outdoors, with awe and appreciation. The rest is just fluff lol. Thanks Judy!! Howdy there Slickrock, with a handle like yours we could make a great Western movie, cept Grand Whazoo...
  25. G

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Off to the Owyhee, October 2016

    A real nice trip report, you make me want to see more of the Owyhees as well, having been there just once. I see you live in Bend, we used to have 5 acres there on Deer Trail Road off Alfalfa Market in the 80's and left in "92". Moved to Scottsdale Az for 22 years. We've missed Bend ever since...
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